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  • Data Formats
    File extensions that define specific structures on how data is represented and organized
  • Data Formats
    • .jpeg
    • .png
    Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine - used in healthcare - .dcm - standardized in 1985 by ACR and NEMA
  • DICOM consists of
    • x-ray image
    • metadata
    • patient information
    • series information
    • image processing
    • annotations
    • security and privacy information
  • Metadata
    Additional data - study information (type of x-ray, time, date), series information, image processing, annotations, security and privacy information
  • Image Acquisition Gateways
    1. Step 1: image acquisition
    2. Step 2: image capture
    3. Step 3: converts analog signal to digital
    4. Step 4: image processing
    5. Step 5: compression
    6. Step 6: add metadata
    7. Step 7: stored and managed in PACS
  • Scintillating Detectors
    Emits light when they receive radiation - radiation>light>electrical signals
  • Photodiode Arrays
    Semiconductors - triggered by light
  • Solid State Detectors
    Amorphous selenium, amorphous silicon - directly converts detected x-rays into digital information
  • PACS
    Picture Archiving and Communication System - type of healthcare information system that stores and archives data
  • Film and Developer Base Workflow
    • image acquisition > latent image
    • develop > manifest
    • film > to be interpreted > to be distributed
  • Digital Image Acquisition
    • x-ray image is produced
    • x-ray image is interpreted
    • x-ray image is distributed to different department