1. Bundles of unmyelinated axons of olfactory neurons project through cribriform plate, forming the olfactory nerve (CN I)
2. Olfactory nerves terminate in the brain in paired masses of gray matter called the olfactory bulbs
3. Within the olfactory bulbs, the axons of olfactory neurons synapse with mitral cells
4. Axons of mitral cells form the olfactory tract
5. Olfactory tract carries olfactory info to the primary olfactory cortex in temporal lobe where conscious awareness of smell begins
6. Neurons in olfactory cortex then send signals to amygdala, hippocampus, hypothalamus, and components of limbic system; evokes emotional and visceral responses to odors
7. Signals are also sent to frontal lobe; thought to play a part in integrating olfaction and taste