P block

Cards (36)

  • An atom must exist for >10^ -14 seconds to be classed as an element

  • Metalloids
    • Have properties of both metals and non-metals
    • Can form cations of the atoms
  • Ionisation energy
    • The energy required to remove completely an electron from the gaseous atom or molecule in its ground state
    • Values are always positive
    • Units are kJ mol-1
  • Across the periodic table - IE increases
    • Number of protons increases
    • Effective nuclear charge increases
    • Harder to separate an electron from the nucleus
  • Down the periodic table - IE decreases
    • Electrons are in valence shells which are further away from the nucleus
    • Less of a stabilising effect
    • Easier to remove an electron
  • The loss of an electron is slightly favourable for oxygen due to electrostatic repulsions between electrons
  • Group 13 elements Gallium and Thallium have higher IE values than expected. Gallium is preceded by the first set of d orbitals and Thallium is preceded by the first set of f orbitals
  • d and f electrons are weakly shielding, resulting in a higher effective nuclear charge than expected
  • Relativistic effects impact the ionisation energy of Thallium
  • Electron affinity
    The energy released when a gaseous atom, molecule or ion in its ground state gains an electron
  • Electron affinity
    • Values mostly positive, therefore negative enthalpy
    • Measured in kJ mol-1
  • Fluorine + Oxygen EA
    Very small positive electron affinity, as the electron-dense system experiences electrostatic repulsions that cancel out some of the positive stabilising effect
  • Group 13 EA
    D block contraction - Gallium is slightly smaller than it would otherwise be, the added electron feels a higher effective nuclear charge and is more stable
    General increase in electron affinity with a slight dip for group 15
  • Electronegativity (χ)

    The ability of an atom to attract electron density towards itself in a molecule
  • Electronegativity
    • Pauling's scale: 0 ≤ χ ≤ 4
    • Increases across the periodic table up to halogens
    • Decreases down the periodic table due to more shielding
    • May vary by hybridisation, with electrons in orbitals with more s character being held more tightly (sp > sp2 > sp3)
  • Van Arkel Ketelaar triangle
    • Ionicity parameter - the difference in electronegativity of the 2 atoms in the binary compound
    • Covalency parameter - the average electronegativity of the 2 atoms in the binary compound
  • Slater's rules
    Can be used to estimate the Zeff (effective nuclear charge)
    Don't count the electron in consideration or electrons in higher shells
    • s/p electrons: Electrons in with the same principle quantum no. - +0.35, Electrons in the (n-1) shell - +0.85, Electrons in the (n-2) shell - +1.0
    • d/f electrons: Electrons with the same principle quantum no. - +0.35, Anything in a lower shell contributes 1.0
  • Effective nuclear charge
    Increases across the period
  • Effective nuclear charge
    Increases down the period
  • Covalent radius

    Half the length of a symmetrical homonuclear bond
  • Metallic radius

    The equivalent distance between ions in a metal lattice
  • Ionic radii

    Increases with -ve charge and decreases with +ve charge
  • Inert pair effect
    The tendency of electrons in the outermost atomic s orbital to remain unionised/unshared in groups 13-16
  • If a bond's orbital overlap is good
    The energy to promote an electron will be low
  • Formation of the bond is exothermic
    Offsets the endothermic 'cost' of sp3 hybridisation
  • Relativistic effect

    Theory of relativity - fast things weigh more
    In heavier atoms, electrons can move very fast and increase in mass
    Causes the orbitals to contract - lower energy
    Most contraction in s orbitals > p > d + f
  • Direct relativistic orbital contraction
    An electron can move so fast its mass contracts the orbital
    The orbital energy is lower
    Larger effective nuclear charge
  • Bonding
    • Orbitals become more diffuse going down the group - longer bonds - weaker
    • First row elements form multiple bond (double/triple bonds)
    • Small atoms (short bond) + good orbital overlap
    • Able to have pi interactions
  • P𝛑-d𝛑 bonds
    A filled p orbital can donate electron density to another atom's empty d orbital
  • Favoured O.S.
    (n2)(n - 2)
    n = group no.
  • Wade's rules - Boranes + carboranes (CH+)
    • Each B-H (C-H) contributes an electron pair
    • Each spare H contributes 1 electron
    • +/- any charge on the cluster
    • PSEPs = no. electrons/2
    • No. vertices = PSEPs - 1
    • if no. vertices = no. BH units - Closo
    • if no. vertices = no. BH units - 1 - Nido
    • if no. vertices = no. BH units - 2 - Arachno
  • Silicone
    • Small covalent radii + good orbital overlap - Pi bonding
    • Terminal monomers have 3 R groups
    • Monomers with 3 hydroxyl groups are able to cross link chains
    • p 𝛑-d 𝛑 bonding
  • Pauling's rules - reactivity of oxyacids
    Acid's pKa = 8 - (5 x E=O bonds)
  • Group 13 - the Triels
    Chemistry is dominated by electron deficiency
    Act as Lewis Acids
    Full p orbital on hallide donates electrons density into vacant p orbital on Boron
    Dimerisation is preferred to 𝛑 bonding for larger group 13 elements (Al2Cl6)
  • Boranes (B2H6)
    Borons are tetrahedral (4 x sp3 orbitals)
    • 8 electrons are used for the B-H bonds (2 centre-2 electron bonds)
    • 4 electrons are used for the B-H-B bonds (3-centre-2 electron bonds)
  • Group 14 - the Tetrels
    Hydrides become more stable going down the group
    • larger, more diffuse orbitals
    • more polar bonds
    • metal is less shielded
    • low-lying LUMOs