types + explanations of conformity

Cards (20)

  • Types of conformity
    • Compliance
    • Identification
    • Internalisation
  • Compliance
    Publicly agreeing, privately disagreeing (e.g. saying you like Taylor Swift but you actually don't)
  • Identification
    Publicly agree + privately agree but only with that group in that environment, identify with that group
  • Internalisation
    Privately and publicly agree
    1. research support for Asch's ISI
  • Explanations of conformity
    • Normative social influence
    • Informational social influence
  • Normative social influence
    Agree to fit in with the group, so you will be liked and not rejected, often among strangers
  • Informational social influence
    Conform as you think the group know better and are correct
  • NSI
    Normative social influence
  • Research support for NSI
    1. Asch found when answer was given anonymously, conformity fell to 12.57 as no need for NSI
    2. Interviewed participants in original study who said they conformed due to fear of disapproval
  • Some conformity
    Is due to the desire to fit in (NSI)
  • Individual difference in NS
    • nAffiliators (people with a strong need to be liked) are more likely to conform
    • Due to this, conformity can't be explained by one general situational variable
  • Conformity
    Conformity is when people change their behavior or beliefs to match the group
  • It is unclear if conformity is due to informational social influence (ISI) or normative social influence (NSI)
  • Informational social influence (ISI)
    • People conform because they believe the group has more accurate information and they want to be right
  • Normative social influence (NSI)
    • People conform because they want to be accepted by the group and avoid rejection
  • Asch's conformity experiments
    • Social support reduced conformity for both NSI and ISI
  • NSI and ISI often work hand in hand, so it is hard to know which one explains conformity in some situations
  • When a math problem is harder and more ambiguous
    People conform more and look to the group for the correct answer
  • This is a valid explanation for conformity according to research by Lucas et al.