Cards (11)

  • baseline study
    Aim was to see if people would conform in an unambiguous situation
  • Baseline study
    • 123 American males
    • Shown a line and 3 comparison lines
    • Had to state which line was the same length as the original line
    • 12/18 trials had a confederate give incorrect answers
  • Asch study variations
    • Unanimity - one confederate gave the correct answer in critical trials
    • Conformity decreased to 5.5%
    • Group size - conformity increases to 32% in a group of 3, did not increase more after a group of 3
    • Task difficulty - more ambiguous + unclear answer, conformity increased
  • Asch study

    • Artificial task
    • Judging the length of lines
  • Asch study doesn't reflect conformity in day to day life so lacks mundane realism and ecological validity
  • Mundane realism
    The extent to which a study reflects real-life situations
  • Ecological validity

    The extent to which findings can be generalised to real-world settings
  • Asch study evaluation
    • Controlled lab study
    • Controls for extraneous and confounding variables (e.g. temperature of the room, time of day)
    • Gives findings internal validity
  • Asch study is not generalisable as it only used male American participants
  • Other cultures and genders may produce different results, so Asch study lacks population validity
  • Population validity

    The extent to which findings can be generalised to other populations