dispositional explanations for obedience

Cards (16)

  • Dispositional explanations of obedience

    Explanations that focus on the personality traits of the individual
  • Authoritarian personality

    A person with extreme respect for authority and no respect for people lower in the hierarchy
  • A person with an authoritarian personality

    Has an increased likelihood of obeying destructive orders
  • F scale

    Questionnaire used to measure authoritarian personality traits
  • Adorno et al's study

    • Studied 2000 middle class white Americans
    • Studied their attitudes towards other racial groups
    • Used the F-scale questionnaire
  • Adorno results - Those who scored high on the F-scale respected authority and looked down on other racial groups
  • Milgram's study
    Provided support for the idea that people with an authoritarian personality are more likely to obey
  • Milgram interviewed participants who obeyed to the 450 volt shock, made them complete the F-scale, and these people scored higher on the F-scale
  • This supports the idea that people with an authoritarian personality are more likely to obey
  • Authoritarian personality
    Personality measured by a questionnaire
  • F scale

    Questionnaire to measure authoritarian personality
  • People may give socially desired answers or lie when answering the F-scale as it is a self-report technique
  • The authoritarian personality scale lacks validity
  • Not everyone who obeys has an authoritarian personality
  • Not everyone who obeyed in Milgram had an authoritarian personality
  • Authoritarian personality obedience may have a correlational relationship but it is not a cause and effect relationship, meaning it is a limited explanation and there must be other factors