nature-nurture debate

Cards (11)

  • the debate
    looks at the relative importance of the two approaches, but modern psychologists understand the inderaction between the two factors is the most important
    • how do they interact?
    • it is almost impossible to determine how important the two factors are
  • nurture - empiricists
    behaviour is the result of environmental influences
    • prenatal experiences
    • postnatal experiences
    • cultural and historical contexts of behaviour
    empiricism - developed based on the idea of a tabula rasa, key feature of behaviourism
  • nature - nativists
    behaviour is the result of biological influences
    • importance of heredity - inherited innate biological processes
    • nativism - feature of biological approach
    • heritability can be measured and represented through correlation co-efficients
  • interactionism
    nature and nurture interact and we are a product of both genetic and environmental influences
    • the important thing is to study how the two interact and influence each other which is the main component of the modern debate
    • eg. diathesis-stress model and epigenetics
  • constructivism
    people seek out and construct an environment that suits their nature
    • plamin - niche picking
    • eg. people who are naturally more risk-taking may seek opportunities to take more risks
  • epigenetics
    change in genetic activity brought on by environmental factors
    • environmental events leave epigenetic marks on our dna which is then expressed and likely to be passed on to the next generation
    • may explain why the concordance rate of schizophrenia in twins is only 50% (gottesman)
    • eg. pku - genetic disorder causing severe learning difficulties if not restricted by a low protein diet
  • biopsychology
    maguire - london taxi drivers have significantly more volume in the hippocampus thank controls
    • longer they had been a taxi driver the larger the increase
    • the experience of driving causes physical changes to the brain
  • the diathesis-stress model
    the model applied to mental illnesses like schizophrenia
    • to develop schizophrenia someone must have both a genetic vulnerability and experience an environmental trigger
    • gottesman - concordance rates for schizophrenia are 17% for dz twins and 48% for mz twins
    • tienari - having both a genetic predisposition and the environmental trigger for a hostile environment causes the biggest increase in risk of developing schizophrenia
  • interactionism - offending behaviour
    christiansen - dz twins had a 12% concordance rate of criminality compared to a 33% for mz twins
  • interactionism - attachment
    while there is some evidence that attachment behaviours are innate eg bowlby's monotropic theory the quality of attachment with a parent and who becomes a primary attachment figure is shaped by experience
    • both nature and nurture have an effect
  • implications of the debate
    there are important implications for both extremes of the nature-nurture debate
    • nativists (nature) - suggests some people are born superior to others so links to eugenics
    • empiricists (nurture) - can be used through therapy but also as a form of social control, and suggests ethical issues through behaviour modification