ainsworths strange situation

Cards (11)

  • who carried out the strange situation observation
  • ainsworths strange situation method
    -controlled observation
    -infants 9-18 months and their mothers observed
    -unfamiliar laboratory setting with two way mirrors
    -done in 8 episodes
  • ainsworths strange situation tested for:
    -proximity seeking
    -exploration + secure base behaviour
    -stranger anxiety
    -separation anxiety
    -response to reunion with caregiver
  • ainsworths strange situation episodes
    1. unfamiliar room
    2. encouraged to explore
    3. stranger comes in
    4. caregiver leaves infant with stranger
    5. caregiver comes back and stranger leaves
    6. caregiver leaves infant alone
    7. stranger comes in with infant alone
    8. caregiver comes back
  • ainsworths strange situation findings type B
    secure type B - 60-75%
    • explore happily but regularly return to caregiver
    • moderate separation distress and stranger anxiety
    • require and accept comfort in reunion
  • ainsworths strange situation findings type A
    insecure avoidant type A - 20-25%
    • explore freely but dont seek proximity or show secure base behaviour
    • little to no reaction to caregiver leaving or stranger anxiety
    • dont require comfort at reunion
  • ainsworths strange situation findings type C
    insecure resistant type C - 3%
    • seek greater proximity than others and explore less
    • show huge stranger and seperation anxiety
    • resist comfort when reunited with caregiver
  • AO3 - predictive validity, later life behaviour

    study found that insecure resistant attatchment was associated with bullying in later childhood and another study found that it correlates with adult mental health problems
    -supporting the idea of the internal working model (schemas)
  • AO3 - high reliability
    reliability coefficient of 0.94 meaning that it doesnt matter who observes, the results will be the same
  • AO3 - lacks ecological validity

    -done in an artificial, unfamiliar setting that the infant would already be uncomfortable in
    -wouldnt usually be repeatedly left with a stranger and reunited with their caregiver
  • AO3 - culture bound and generalisability
    -different cultures often have multiple people acting as an infants primary caregiver so this could not be generalised as others may not have a primary attatchment to their mother and therefore reactions would be different + would be more ok with strangers