Most commonly injured joint in sports because of ankle sprains, AKA "Talocrural joint" (talo = ankle, crural = cross), type: pure hinge joint (ginglymus joint), OPP: 10 PF, CPP: full DF, CP: PF > DF, 3 bones: Medial malleolus (from tibia), Lateral malleolus (from fibula), Talus, ankle mortise - socket formed by the MM and LM intended for the talus, plantarflexion = 0-50 degrees, dorsiflexion = 0-20 degrees, DF has more limited ROM due to the bottom of the talus hitting the ankle mortise, 2 Ligaments: MCL and LCL, MCL: "ANTATI POTATI CATI TINA", anything with "tibia" is MCL, LCL: same as the first 3 but change the "tibia" to "fibula", why is the LCL more famous than the MCL: LCL is weaker since it only has 3 ligaments, the ligaments are separated unlike the deltoid ligament, INV > EV, special tests: Anterior Drawer Test, Talar Tilt Test