Needs to find a good balance of all three constituents and ensure each of these three parties gets a compelling based on what is valuable to them
Gate 1: Preparation
IQ - Intelligence quotient: capacity to think and reason
Money - cash component
Model - the business model or the big picture plan to generate sales revenue profit, cash flow, growth, and how to scale up
Mentors are the experienced advisers who can add value to the entrepreneur by giving sound guidance to increase the competency, lessen the risks, and help open more opportunities for the entrepreneur to succeed
International furniture designer Kenneth Cobonpue
Was encouraged by his mother (who was already in the furniture business) to build his own toys when he was a child
Gate 2: Marketing
CQ- Creativity quotient: the capacity to innovate
Mindset - is about beliefs. That being an innopreneur is better than being just an entrepreneur
Market - a set of buyers that an entrepreneur focuses attention on
Message - brand positioning that will be communicated to persuade a target customer to buy
Gate 3: Execution
EQ- Emotional Quotient: the capacity to sense and to emphatize
Machinery- it is about an organization structure that can deliver the value planned; hence, the organizational structure can only be identified after the value proposition is formulated
Methods are about systems and processes that allow the entrepreneur information and control
Management Skills - about the ability to carry out the plans through people, rewards and leadership
Gate 4: Self-Leadership
AQ- Adversity Quotient: the capacity to recover and make progress
Needed when problems and obstacles are experienced because of the nature of entrepreneurship, where risks and uncertainty is expected
Not just leadership in business but also in one's personal life
Key Factors for Success/4-Gate Model
Moving Forward
Management Skills
Entrepreneurship Key Factors Matrix
Model - Coordinate the inter-dependency of a business model
Market - Coordinate choice and penetration of the target market
Methods - Coordinate processes needed to routinize operations
Mission - Coordinate the establishment and fulfillment of a company's mission
Entrepreneurship can be learned but it is not for everybody
3's Requisites to Prosperity
Spread - need to ensure that product are sold
create a system to manage account recievable effectively
Successful Entrepreneurship
Commitment - a stong drive to achieve goals and objectives though foars and proactive pollow-through
Coordination - the organization of dipperent people a group coming from varioue Function to attain efficiency, effectiveness and/or impact
Competency - having a combination of lability, attitude and bellauion to do particular note or pob repetitively well