
Cards (44)

  • Metals have many uses such as:
    Making tin cans for food
    Making electrical wires to hang between pylons
    Making cars and other vehicles
    Making saucepans
  • Aluminium
    Density is 2.7 g/cm3
    Melting point - 659 degrees
    Strength -medium
    Electrical conductivity - good
    Reactivity - corrodes slowly
    Relative Cost - medium
  • Copper
    Density - 9 g/cm3
    Melting point - 1083 degrees
    Strength - strong
    Electrical conductivity- very good
    Reactivity - corrodes slowly
    Relative Cost - medium
  • Iron and Steel
    Density - 7.9 g/cm3
    Melting point - 1540 degrees
    Strength - strong
    Electrical conductivity- medium
    Reactivity - corrodes quickly
    Relative Cost - low
  • Lead
    Density - 11.3 g/cm3
    Melting point - 328 degrees
    Strength - weak
    Electrical conductivity- poor for a metal
    Reactivity - corrodes slowly
    Relative Cost - low
  • Tin
    Density - 7.3 g/cm3
    Melting point - 232 degrees
    Strength - weak
    Electrical conductivity- poor for a metal
    Reactivity - No corrosion
    Relative Cost - high
  • Most suitable for Construction
    Copper as it is strong, corrodes slowly, it is medium cost and it has a high melting point
  • Most suitable for cars and vehicles
    Aluminium as it corrodes slowly, it is light and it is medium cost
  • Most suitable for electrical wires
    Copper is most suitable as it is ductile (flexible), strong and corrodes slowly
  • Most suitable for coating food cans

    Lead as it is low cost, corrodes slowly and has weak conductivity
  • Most suitable for aeroplanes
    Iron as it is strong, its low cost and it has a high melting point
  • Properties of metals
    Lustrous - bright and shiny
    Hard and strong
    High density
    Good conductors of heat and electricity
    High melting and boiling points
    Can be bent and pressed into different shapes (malleable)
    Can be drawn into wires - ductile
  • Metals
    Metals are in left / middle of periodic table
    Non metals are in right
  • The reactivity series
    When metals react with other substances the metal atoms form positive ions. The reactivity of a metal is related to its tendency to form positive ions.
    Metals can be arranged in order of their reactivity in a reactivity series
  • Reactivity Series
    The metals potassium, sodium, lithium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, iron and copper can be put in order of their reactivity from their reactions with water and dilute acids
    The non metals hydrogen and carbon are often included in the reactivity series
    A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from a compound
  • Displacement
    The Reactivity Series of metal is a type of a chemical ‘league table’. It shows the metals in order with the most reactive at the top. Where a metal comes in the table, depends on if it reacts with oxygen, water and acid
    The reactivity series enables us to make predictions regarding chemical reactions between metals and metal salts - these are displacement reactions
    In a displacement reaction a more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from its compounds
  • Reactions for reactivity
    Results table
  • Magnesium
    Reacts with:
    Copper nitrate
    Iron sulphate
    Zinc sulphate
    Doesn’t react with:
    Magnesium sulphate
  • Copper
    Doesn’t react with:
    Magnesium sulphate
    Copper nitrate
    Iron sulphate
    Zinc sulphate
  • Iron
    Does react with:
    Copper nitrate
    Doesn’t react with:
    Magnesium sulphate
    Iron sulphate
    Zinc sulphate
  • Zinc
    Does react with:
    Copper nitrate
    Iron sulphate
    Doesn’t react with
    Magnesium sulphate
    Zinc sulphate
  • Metals reacting with water and acids
    The reactivity of metals with water or dilute acids is related to the tendency of the metal to form its positive ion
    The reactions of metals with acids and water is limited to room temperature and doesn’t include reactions with steam
  • Ore
    A rock containing a high concentration (economically viable) of a metal or metal compound
  • Native
    A metal that is found in its metallic form, either pure or as an alloy, in nature
  • Extracting metals
    More reactive a metal is , the harder it is to extract the metal from its ore
    To extract the metal, you must use an element that is higher up the reactivity series
    This will kick out the metal that you want leaving you free to either sell or use it
  • Extracting metals
    Unreactive metals like gold are found in the earth as metals itself but most metals are found as compounds that require chemical reactions to extract the metal
    Metals less reactive than carbon can be extracted from their oxides by reduction with carbon which involves the loss of oxygen
    Metal oxide + carbon - carbon dioxide + metal
    Oxidation is loss of electrons
    Reduction is the gain of electrons
  • Displacement reaction
    A more reactive metal displaces a less reactive metal from an aqueous solution of one of its salts
    Eg: magnesium and copper sulphate - the magnesium metal forms aqueous magnesium ions and dissolves into the solution
    Magnesium + copper sulphate - copper + magnesium sulphate
    An ionic equation shows only the ions and the atoms that change in a reaction - in this reaction the sulfate ions stay the same so don’t appear in the ionic equation:
    Mg(s)+Cu2+ - Mg2+(aq)+Cu(s)
    This shows that magnesium atoms have greater tendencies to form positive ions than copper atoms
  • Hydrogen in the Reactivity Series
    These non metal can be included using displacement reactions. You can think of the metal + acid reaction as displacement of hydrogen ions, H+(aq) from solution
    Copper can’t displace the hydrogen from an acid whereas lead can - so hydrogen is placed between copper and lead
  • Carbon in the reactivity Series

    Carbon can be used in the extraction of metals from their oxides (another type of displacement reaction)
    However it can only do this for metals below aluminium in the series
    It doesn’t displace aluminium from aluminium oxide as but can displace zinc from zinc oxide
    So carbon is placed between aluminium and zinc
  • Oxidation and Reduction
    Can apply these definitions to displacement reactions in solutions
    The displacement of copper ions by iron - used in industry for copper extraction from copper sulphate solution, the iron in cheap scrap iron, ionic equation is:
    Fe(s)+Cu2+(aq) - Fe2+(aq)+Cu(s)
    The iron atoms lose 2 electrons to form iron ions - oxidation, half equation for this is:
    Fe(s) - Fe2+(aq)+2e-
    The 2 electrons from iron are gained by cooper atoms - reduction - copper ions reduced, half equation:
    Cu2+(aq)+2e- - Cu(s)
    Displacement reactions are also redox reactions (reduction - oxidation)
  • Where do metals come from
    Found in the earth's crust
    Most metals are combined chemically with other chemical elements
    This means that the metal must be chemically separated from its compound before it can be used
    When there is enough of a metal or a metal compound in a rock to make it worth extracting, the rock is called a metal ore
    Ores are mined from the ground and some of them need to be concentrated before the metal is extracted and purified
    Eg: copper ores are ground up into a powder, them mixed with water and a chemical that makes the copper compound repel water
  • Where do metals come from (2)
    Copper ores (continued) - Air is then bubbled through the mixture and the copper compounds floats on top as froth, the rocky bits sink and the concentrated copper compound is craped of the top - it is then ready to have its copper extracted.
    The worth of extracting a particular metal depends on:
    How easy it is to extract it from it's ore
    How much metal the ore contains
    The changing demands for a particular metal
    These factors can change over time ( a new cheaper method may come).
  • Where do metals come from (3)
    You might also find a new way to extract a metal efficiently from a rock which contains only small amounts of a metal ore. An ore that was once thought to be 'low grade' could then become an economic source of a metal
    Metals like gold and silver are so unreactive they are found as the metals (elements) themselves - exist in native state
    Sometimes a nugget of gold is so large it can simply be picked up
    At other times, tiny flakes have to be physically separated from sand and rocks by panning
  • Reduction of oxide by carbon
    The way that a metal is extracted depends on its place in the reactivity series. Carbon will displace less reactive metals from their oxides. Carbon is used to extract some metals from their ores in industry. You can find many metals such as copper, lead, iron and zinc combined with oxygen as metal oxides. Because carbon is more reactive than each of the metals, it is used to extract the metals from their oxides. Heat the metal oxide with carbon - CO2 and metal is formed
    Metal oxide and carbon - carbon dioxide and metal
  • Metals and water
    Metal + water - metal hydroxide + hydrogen
  • Reduction of oxide by hydrogen
    Another metal extracted by reduction of its oxide is tungsten. The non metal reacting agent is hydrogen even though carbon is cheaper. This is because carbon forms a compound tungsten carbide, with the metal formed by reduction. The tungsten from reduction of its oxide by hydrogen is very pure.
    Tungsten oxide and hydrogen - tungsten and water (as steam)
    WO3(s)+3H2(g) - W(s)+3H20(g)
    The metals that are more reactive than carbon aren't extracted from their ores by reduction with carbon - instead they are extracted by electrolysis of the molten metal compound.
  • Extracting copper from copper rich ores
    Most copper is extracted from this - finite resource, in danger of running out
    2 main methods:
    1 - Sulfric acid is used to produce copper sulfate solution, before extracting the copper metal
    2 - Smelting (roasting) - copper ore is heated to a high temp in a furnace with air to produce impure copper, that is then used as the positive electrode in electrolysis to make pure copper
    80% of copper is produced by smelting
    Smelting and purifying copper ores use lots of energy and electricity which means a lot of money and pollution of the environment.
  • Extracting copper from copper rich ores
    Metal ions are positively charged meaning in electrolysis they deposit at the cathode. In industry the use of electrolysis of copper is made in many cells at the same time - gives pure copper for electrical wiring. Electrolysis used to purify impure copper from smelting.
    Cathode: Cu2+(aq)+2e- - Cu(s)
    Anode: Cu(s) - Cu2+(aq)+2e-
    The copper can be extracted from copper sulphate solution in industry by adding scrap iron - iron can displace copper from its solution
    Iron + copper sulphate - Iron sulphate + copper
    Fe(s)+Cu2+(aq) - Fe2+(aq)+Cu(s)
  • Extracting copper from low grade ores
    Would be uneconomical using traditional methods - new techniques use bacteria (bioleaching) or plants (phytomining) to help extract copper.
  • Phytomining
    Plants that can absorb copper ions are grown on soil containing low grade copper ore. This could be on heaps of previously discarded waste from the processing of copper rich ores. Then the plants are burned and copper is extracted from copper compounds in the ash. The copper ions can be dissolved from the ash by adding sulfric acid - this makes a solution (leachate) of copper sulphate. Displacement by scrap iron and then electrolysis makes pure copper metal.