the health and social care act 2012

Cards (5)

  • The Act is underpinned by two main principles:
    1. To enable patients to have more control over the care they receive
    2. Those responsible for patient care (doctors, nurses etc) have the freedom and power to commission care that meets local needs
  • 1.'No decision made about me without me'
    Allows patients to choose their GP, consultant, treatment and hospital. This empowers individuals as they will be consulted and involved in decision making for their care.
  • 2.Clinical commissioning Groups

    GP-led bodies will commission most health services, including primary care services such as GP's, dentists and pharmacies.
  • 3. Health and wellbeing boards
    These boards bring together health and social care commissioners, councillors and lay a representative to promote joint working and tackle inequalities in people's health and wellbeing
  • 4. Public health
    Increased focus on prevention, with local councils taking over responsibility for public health services and population-health improvement, for examples in relation to obesity and smoking