Cognitive approach

Cards (6)

  • What are the assumptions of the cognitive approach?
    • The mind is like a computer, it is an information processor
    • Thoughts can be studied under well controlled experiments
    • To understand behaviour internal mental processes must be studied
  • How are mental processes measured?
  • What is a schema?
    Cognitive framework that helps the brain organise information
  • What do computer models do?
    Describe mental processes which are frequently incomplete and often changed
  • What are some strengths of the cognitive approach?
    • Scientific - can experiment
    • Applications - CBT as treatment for depression
    • Historical support - Plato said the brain is the seat of mental processes
  • What are the weaknesses of the cognitive approach?
    • Machine reductionism - too many differences between humans and computers, they cannot be compared
    • Studies lack ecological validity
    • Ignomes motivation and emotion, explains how they occur but nothing else