Cards (3)

  • Macduff | Violence
    "I have no swords : my voice is my sword"
    (Act 4)

    This emphasises Macduff's heroic qualities and draws on a key idiom - actions speak louder than words- Macbeth's ungodly actions are not of worth anymore. Macduff believes order can only be restored when terminating his tyranny.
  • Macduff | AmbitionΒ 
    "Bleed ,bleed, poor country"
    (Act 4)

    His lamenting of Scotland shows what fuels his ambition to restore order. This also suggests Scotland is dying under Macbeth's reign captivating Macbeth's misanthropic nature, a quality which juxtaposes the role of a king.
  • Macduff | Appearance vs RealityΒ 
    "O horror, horror, horror"
    (Act 2)

    Repetition emphasises the strength of Macduff's devastated emotions, emphasises his loyalty to the late king. Macduff expresses grief - he is the most personable character who remains noble throughout. This juxtaposes to Macbeth's persona.