finals clj

Cards (32)

  • Community is a group of persons living in a particular place. It may also refer to a society orbody of people living in the same place, under the same laws and regulations which havecommon rights, privileges, or interests.
  • DEATH PENALTY• was once imposed to serve as a deterrentfactor for persons who would commit violent crimes and as aretribution for those who shocked the community because of thecrime that they committed. By the exercise of police power, theState may take the life of a person if that person proves himself tobe a dangerous member of the society.
  • POLICE POWER OF THE STATE• in the inherent power of the State to enact laws andregulations in relation to persons and property as may promotepublic health, public morals, public safety, and the general welfareand convenience of the peole.
  • Correction is a branch of the Criminal Justice System concernedwith the custody, supervision and rehabilitation of criminaloffenders
  • Correction as a process is the reorientation of the criminal offenderto prevent him or her from repeating his delinquent actions withoutthe necessity of taking punitive action but rather introduction ofindividual measures of reformation.
  • PENOLOGY• It is the study of punishment for crime or of criminal offender. Itincludes the study of control and prevention of crime throughpunishment of criminal offenders.
  • Jails are primarily adult penal institutions used for the detention of law violators.
  • PRISON• A penitentiary, an institution for the imprisonment of personsconvicted of major or serious crimes.
  • PRISONER• A person who is under the custody of lawful authority. A person,who by reason of his criminal sentence or by a decision issued by acourt, may be deprived of his liberty or freedom.
  • BUCOR Correctional services in the Philippines are primarily the responsibility of theBureau of Prisons under the Department of Justice. In the strategy of socialdefense in the Philippines, the Bureau of Prisons is entrusted with twobroad goals:• To segregate from society persons who by their acts have proventhemselves dangerous to society; and• To strive at the correction of these prisoners with the hope that when theyreturn to society, they shall be able to lead normal, well-adjusted, self-supporting and useful lives as useful and law-abiding citizens. (Lifted fromTradio, 1996)
  • Non-institutional correction deals with service of sentence of aconvict outside an institution. It is also known as community – based– treatment for a convict is going to serve his sentence in thecommunity by way of probation, parole, and others.
  • Institutional correction deals with jails, prisons, and colonieswhere a convict is going to serve his sentence
  • Provincial jails are housing persons deprived of their liberty formore than six months but not more than three years. Thesepersons are known provincial prisoners.
  • City/municipal jails are housing persons deprived of liberty for notmore than six months. These persons are known as city ormunicipal prisoners.
  • The Old Bilibid Prison is known at present as the Manila City Jail.The Manila government swapped its property located at Muntinlupato the Old Bilibid Prison which was owned by the nationalgovernment. By virtue of swapping the two properties, the OldBilibid Prison is now owned by the Manila government where it waslater named as the Manila City Jail and the lot in Muntinlupa is nowowned by the national government. The national government builtthe New Bilibid Prison in said lot at Muntinlupa
  • New Bilibid Prison is the main insular prison designed to housethe prison population of the Philippines.
  • Bukang Liwayway houses minimum security prisoners who workin the various projects of the institution
  • Sampaguita Camp is where the Reception and Diagnostic Center,Medium Security Unit, and Youth Rehabilitation Center are located.
    • Detention PrisonerThose detained for investigation, preliminary investigation or awaiting trial.
    • Sentenced PrisonerOffenders who are committed to the jail or prison in order to serve theirsentence after final conviction by a competent court.
  • INSULAR OR NATIONAL PRISONERS• Those sentenced to suffer a term of sentence of 3 years and 1 dayto life imprisonment. Those sentenced to suffer a term ofimprisonment cited above but appealed the judgment and unable tofile a bond for their temporary liberty.
  • PROVINCIAL PRISONERS• Those persons sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 6months and 1 day to 3 years or a fine not more than 1,000 pesos,or both; or those detained therein waiting for preliminary of theircases cognizable by the RTC.
  • CITY PRISONERS• Those sentenced to suffer a term of imprisonment from 1 day to 3years or a fine of not more than 1,000 pesos or both. Thosedetained therein whose cases are filed with the MTC. Thosedetained therein whose cases are cognizable by the RTC andunder Preliminary Investigation.
  • MUNICIPAL PRISONERS• Those confined in Municipal Jails to serve an imprisonment from 1day to 6 months. Those detained therein whose trials of their casesare pending with the MTC.
  • SUPER MAXIMUM PRISONERS- special group of prisonerscomposed of incorrigible, intractable and highly dangerous personswho are source of constant disturbances even in a maximumsecurity prison.• They wear orange color of uniform.
    • MAXIMUM SECURITY PRISONERS- a group of prisoners whoseescape could be dangerous to the public or to the security of consists of constant troublemakers but not as dangerous as thesuper maximum security prisoners.their movements are restricted and they are not allowed to workoutside the institution but rather assigned to industrial shops withinthe prison compound,they wear orange in uniform.
    • MEDIUM SECURITY PRISONERS- those who can be trusted inopen conditions and pose lesser danger than maximum securityprisoner in case they escape.consists of prisoners who maybe allowed to work outside the fenceor wall of the penal institution under guards or with escorts.they wear blue color in uniform
    • MINIMUM SECURITY PRISONER- a group of prisoner who can bereasonably trusted to serve sentence under “open condition”a group of prisoners who can be trusted to report to their workassignments without the presence of guards.they wear brown color of uniform
  • PROBATION• It is a disposition under which a defendant, after conviction andsentence, is released subject to conditions imposed by the courtand under the supervision of a probation officer
  • A “Probation Officer” is the person who investigates for the court areferral for probation or supervises a probationer or both.
  • A “Probationer,” on the other hand, is the person placed onprobation.
  • PARDON• is an executive clemency granted by the President/Chief Executive.It may also be defined as an act of grace proceeding from thepower entrusted with the President which exempts the individual onwhom it is bestowed, from punishment the law inflicts for a crime hehas committed.