Children acquire language through a subconscious process during which they are unaware of grammatical rules
Primary linguistic data (PLD)
Implicit, acquisition is seen as an implicit and subconscious process where the learner is exposed to PLD in informal situations
Language learning
Explicit, the result of direct instruction in the rules of language
Language learning is not an age appropriate activity for very young children
Interlocutor in a comprehensible manner
Main purpose of communication
Acquisition vs Learning
Acquisition: Implicit/subconscious, informal situations, grammatical feel, depends on attitude, stable order of acquisition, motivation influences attitude
Learning: Explicit/conscious, formal situations, use of grammatical rules and regulations, depends on aptitude or intelligence, simple to complex order of learning, depends on L1
First language (L1)
Mother tongue or native language, an instinct triggered since birth
Second language (L2)
A language a person learns to communicate with native speakers
[3 yrs - onwards] Strain basic words "connect" preposition
Stages of L2 learning
[0-6 months] Silent - listen only
[6-12 months] Early Production - Simple phrases
[1-3 yrs old] Speech Emergence
[3- onwards] Fluency
Critical Period Hypothesis
Difficulty to learn language after a certain age
Fossilized error
Errors that children never get corrected
From gestures to words
42 months: rate of children's use of gesture predicted the size of their vocabulary
Gesture provides an early route to first words
Integrated gesture-speech system
Coherent semantic relationship and synchronous temporal relationship between gesture and word
Integration is the culmination of increasingly tight relation that has been evolving between hand and mouth rhythmic manual behaviors prior to the onset of babbling
Structural linguistics and behavioural psychology
Structural/descriptive linguistics
Generative linguistics and cognitive psychology
Constructivism: a multidisciplinary approach
Branches of constructivism
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Adding or removing privilege to encourage or discourage behavior