periods of apnea are normal in infants, if apnea is longer than 20 seconds that is abnormal and needs intervention
first thing to do- stimulate baby
med of choice for neonate respiratory distress
what is the med given to the MOTHER to enhance surfactant production in preterm babies?
2 doses, 24 hours apart
normal newborn pulse
normal newborn respiration rate
normal newborn temperature
36.5-37.2 C
Barlow's test
a test to see if the newborn has hip dysplasia, provider will adduct and flex the hips to see if they dislocate
what can hypothermia in a newborn cause?
respiratory distress
how can you manage thermal regulation of the newborn?
BEST way- skin to skin with mother
wrap baby in dry cloth and hat
caput succedaneum
boggy edematous swelling of the fetal scalp across suture lines caused by pressure of the fetal head during labor
disappears within a few hours to several days
complications rare
condition marked by soft, fluctuant localized swelling of blood on fetal head
-caused by subperiosteal hemorrhage
complications can include defective blood clotting, underlying skull fracture, intercranial bleeding, jaundice
moro refelx
loud noise to cause the infant to symmetrically extend and abduct the arms and adduct
should disappear within 3-6 months
tonic neck reflex
turn the infants head to one side, arms and leg will extend on that side and flexion will happen on opposite side
palmar grasp reflex
placing an object in the hand of the newborn and they will grasp it tightly
stepping reflex
holding the infant upright above a table, newborn will lift foot up on contact with the firm surface
Babinski reflex
stroking the sole of the foot- baby's big toe will dorsiflex and toes will flare out
what does APGAR stand for and what is it used for?
Appearance, Pulse, Grimace, Activity, Respiration
used to see how well the baby is/will adapt to extrauterine life
breastfeeding is contraindicated when
mother is HIV positive
newborns with galactosemia
ABO incompatibility
when the baby has the blood type of which the mother has antibodies to
Rh incompatibility
when Rh negative mother gives birth to Rh positive baby
-mother will create antibodies to that blood type and spontaneous abortion can occur
-Rh immune globin is given postpartum 72 hours after birth
neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS)
behaviors exhibited by baby's who were exposed to drugs in utero
Nursing care for babies with NAS
reduce stimulation
swaddle with legs flexed and arms midline at side
maintain fluid and electrolyte balance
feeding newborns with NAS
newborns with NAS require smaller feeding volumes more frequently
hold infant in sitting position with chin tucked
uterine atony
when the uterus fails to contract after birth and leads to postpartum hemorrhage
retained placenta
when the placenta has not been delivered for 30 min after birth
may need to be surgically or manually removed
bleeding associated with firm hard uterus can indicate
laceration that was missed
intense peritoneal pain can indicate
what is milia and what should you educate the parents about milia?
Milia are small, white bumps that commonly appear on a newborn's face. Parents should be educated that milia are harmless and typically resolve on their own without treatment.
tell parents to NOT pick at the milia
what is acrocyanosis?
Peripheral cyanosis in the newborn that is common for first 24 hours after birth due to temperature change
nevus symplex
small vessel dilation, easily blanched and fade over time
vernix caseosa
thick white substance
has antimicrobial properties
Mongolian spots
bluish discoloration of the skin
common in darker skin babies
disappear or lighten overtime
dilated capillaries, will grow 1st six months then involute next 5-10 years
avoid picking or rubbing at them
happens more to premature babies
what is phototherapy used for in newborns?
what is the first action you take after phototherapy?
take the babies temperature
what does PKU stand for?
what is PKU?
rare genetic disorder that causes severe nerve and brain damage to newborn
body lacks enzyme phenylalanine hydroxylase
important education for infants with PKU
special formula is needed
avoid high protein and iron foods: meat, dairy, eggs or peanut butter jelly sandwich
what would the signs and symptoms be for a newborn who was exposed to heroin in utero?