Cards (6)

    • Consist of metals, except selenium, halogens, fluoride, and iodine.
    • Essential trace elements are important for the maintenance of normal health and tissue and organ functions.
    • Trace elements have specific in vivo metabolic functions that cannot be effectively performed by other similar elements.
    • Concentration in tissue = < 1ug/g of wet tissue and < 0.01% of dry body weight
  • Chromium
    • Function = enhances insulin action; for glucose and lipid metabolism.
    • Deficiency = insulin resistance, impaired glucose tolerance (type 2 DM), hyperlipidemia
    • Toxicity = skin ulcers, renal and hepatic necrosis
    • Function = hemoglobin synthesis; component of B12
    • Deficiency = anemia, growth depression
    • Toxicity = heart failure, hypothyroidism
  • Copper
    • Function = cellular respiration; collagen synthesis
    • Deficiency = Menkes' kinky hair syndrome, muscle weakness
    • Toxicity = interferes with absorption of iron and zinc
    • Function = prevents dental carries
    • Deficiency = dental carries
  • Iodine
    • Function = thyroid hormone synthesis
    • Deficiency = goiter, cretinism, myxedema
    • Toxicity = thyrotoxicosis
    • Function = oxygen transport, component of hemoglobin
    • Deficiency = anemia
    • Toxicity = hemachromatosis
  • Manganese
    • Function = bone and connective tissue functions
    • Deficiency = skeletal defects
    • Toxicity = psychiatric disorders, Parkinson's disease
    • Function = DNA metabolism
    • Deficiency = growth depression, cretinism, goiter
    • Toxicity = anemia, thyrotoxicosis
  • Selenium
    • Function = prevents oxidative damage of lipid
    • Deficiency = Keshan disease
    • Toxicity = hair and nail loss, liver failure
    • Function = protein synthesis
    • Deficiency = acrodermatitis enteropathica, growth retardation, immune deficiency, infertility, delayed wound healing, osteoporosis
    • Toxicity = gastrointestinal irritation