Coronary heart disease (lifestyle choice: excessive consumption of polyunsaturated fats and trans fats)
Spreading of Infections Diseases
Passing of a pathogen to an uninfected person: transmission
Entry of the pathogen into the body: infection
Person where the pathogen lives and breeds: host
Droplets in the air through respiratory passages
Tiny respiratory droplets are expelled when a person coughs/sneezes, and its secretions may contain pathogens
Anyone within a close range may breathe in these droplets and become infected
Distance/masks can reduce infection
Direct contact
Direct person-to-person contact (e.g. exchanging body fluids during sexual intercourse)
Spread when the skin or mucous membrane of an infected person comes into contact with that of another person
STIs like Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) can be transmitted through sexual intercourse
Food and water contaminated with pathogens (e.g. cholera and salmonella bacteria) can enter the alimentary canal
Occurs when food and water are not properly stored/handled
E. coli can be passed from raw meat to cooked meat if people have poor hygiene practices
Does not have a membrane-bound nucleus
Has a singular circular DNA as its genetic material
Has organelles (cell wall, cell membrane, ribosomes), plasmids and one or more flagellum (tail)
Can be pathogenic and non-pathogenic
Can reproduce by itself
Has a protein coat enclosing its genetic material (either DNA or RNA) - not membrane bound
No cellular structures (e.g. ribosomes)
Does not grow, move, feed, respire or excrete
Requires a host cell to reproduce and obtain its protein coat
Signs and Symptoms of Influenza
Sore throat
Runny nose
Muscle ache
Signs and Symptoms of Pneumococcal Diseases
Shortness of breath
Photophobia (light sensitivity)
Ways to reduce transmission
Get the respective vaccination (annually for influenza)
Avoid close contact with infected people
Cover your mouth and nose when coughing/sneezing when sick and dispose of it after
Wash your hands with soap and water/disinfectant
Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth
Wear a surgical mask
Take prescribed antiviral drugs (influenza)
Take prescribed antibiotics (pneumococcal)
Contains an agent that resembles a harmless form of pathogen (weakened or dead) being introduced into the body by injection or swallowing
Presence of pathogens triggers WBC to quickly produce antibodies to combat possible infection
How vaccinations work
Pathogens are recognised by the WBCs that lock onto their antigens if they enter the body later - memory cells are WBCs that remain in the bloodstream for a long time
Phagocytosis takes place more easily - antibodies clump the bacteria together or neutralise the toxins the bacteria produce
Passive immunity
Short-term defence against a pathogen by antibodies acquired from another individual (e.g. mother to infant)
Neutralise toxins produced by bacteria
Binds to bacteria and ruptures its surface membrane (antigens)
Agglutination thus increases the ease of phagocytosis
Active immunity
Defence against a pathogen by antibody production in the body
Gained by vaccination if they have made their own antibodies and memory cells that protect against the pathogen - last for many years
Examples of Vaccines
Harmless form of the pathogen - BCG inoculation against TB
Killed pathogen - Salk anti-polio vaccine
Toxoid (inactivated bacteria toxin)
Drugs used to treat bacterial infections
Target bacteria by preventing synthesis of cellular structures
Inhibits synthesis of bacterial cell wall (water can enter, cell expands, bursts and dies)
Breaks up cell membrane, cannot filter substances
Bind to ribosomes and prevent them from taking part in protein synthesis
Inhibits the enzyme needed for the synthesis of folic acid in bacterial cytoplasm
Can be chemically modified to increase effectiveness
Why antibiotics can don't work on viruses
Antibiotics interfere with the growth and metabolic activities of bacterial cells
Viruses have different structures and reproductive components from bacteria (no cell walls, cell membranes, ribosomes, and requires a host cell)
Antibiotic Resistance ("superbugs")
Genes may mutate when exposed to certain chemicals, mutagenic agents (e.g. radiation)
Bacteria less sensitive to an antibiotic will not be killed easily and survive other bacteria - reproduce and pass these advantageous alleles to the next generation
Results in more resistant bacteria
Further prescription of the same antibiotic will not kill them
Disease cannot be cured unless new antibiotics are discovered
Reduction of Antibiotic Resistance
Not misusing or overusing antibiotics to treat a viral infection
Completing the course of the antibiotics prescribed
Using antibiotics only when necessary and not on minor infections