Circulatory đź«€

Cards (35)

  • Epicardium - the outer layer of the heart, composed of simple squamous (mesothelium)
  • Subepicardium – neurovascular structures with adipose; fibrocollagenous
  • Subepicardium - Appears as a layer beneath the epicardium, containing visible blood vessels, nerves, and adipose tissue
  • Myocardium – cardiac muscle tissue (myocytes) interconnected by intercalated discs
  • Endocardium – inner lining of the heart chambers and valves, made of simple squamous with thinsubendothelium
  • Pericardium – double-layered sac surrounding the heart, consisting of an outer parietal layer and an inner visceral layer
  • Parietal pericardium – outermost layer of the pericardium, attaches to the diaphragm and sternum
  • Subendocardium - fibrocollagenous, (+) Purkinje fibers
  • Pericardium

    What is P?
  • Purkinje Fibres are found in the subendocardium.
  • Epicardium

    What layer of the heart is this?
  • Heart (Subendocardium)

    Identify organ and what layer is SEp?
  • Stiated cardiac muscle tissue 

    Identify type of tissue and specify appearance
  • Heart, Subendocardium, Purkinje fiber

    Identify organ, layer and P?
  • Endothelial cells, endocardium

    What are these cells called (E)? Identify layer
  • Sinoatrial node - the heart's natural pacemaker, located in the right atrium
  • Atrioventricular node - A node of the heart that sends electrical impulses to the atria and ventricles
  • AV Bundle (Bundle of His) - A bundle of three arteries that form the right coronary artery
  • AV Bundle - Extends from the AV node through the interventricular septum toward the apex of the heart.
  • AV Bundle - Transmits electrical impulses rapidly from the AV node to the ventricles
  • Purkinje fibers- extending from the bundle of His and branching throughout the ventricles.
  • Purkinje fibers - contractile fibers that are responsible for the contraction of the ventricles
  • Elastic artery, Aorta

    Identify type of artery? what organ?
  • Muscular artery , smooth muscle fibers 

    Identify type of artery,composed of mostly?
  • Layers of muscular artery:
    • Internal elastic lamina
    • Tunica intima
    • Tunica media
    • External elastic lamina
  • Arterioles

    Identify what artery?
  • Atheromatous aorta

  • Normal aorta

  • Continouos capillary
    Are the least permeable and most common; have tight, occluding junctions sealing the intercellular clefts
    between all the endothelial cells to produce minimal fluid leakage.
    â—Ź Often have associated pericytes
    â—Ź All molecules are exchanged across the endothelium by diffusion or transcytosis
  • → Skin
    → Skeletal Muscles
    → Adipose tissue
    → Exocrine glands
    → Respiratory organs (i.e., lungs)
    → CNS

    Where is this capillary found?
  • → Endocrine organs
    → Small intestine
    → Kidney glomeruli
    → Choroid plexus in the brain ventricles

    Where else can we see this capillary?
  • Fenestrated capillary
    â—Ź Found in some tissues where there is extensive molecular exchange with the blood.
    â—Ź Occurs in areas of active filtration (e.g., kidney) or absorption (e.g., small intestine) and areas of hormone secretion.
  • Sinuosoidal capillary
    • Aka, discontinuous capillaries, are the most permeable and occur in limited locations.
    • Location:
    • Liver
    • → Bone marrow
    • → Spleen
    • → Adrenal medulla
  • Sinusoidal

    Identify capillary
  • Lymphatic vessels
    Found in all tissues EXCEPT:
    → CNS
    → Cartilage
    → Hone and bone marrow
    → Thymus
    → Placenta
    → Teeth