A seriesofinterrelatedandintertwinedphases which commences with the Pre-immersion followed by the entering the community, Community Integration, Community Needs Assessment, Program or Project Implementation and Termination of the Project
Community immersion process
1. Pre-immersion
2. Entering the community
3. CommunityIntegration
4. CommunityNeedsAssessment
5. Program or ProjectImplementation
6. Termination of the Project
Pre-immersion phase
Identification of the community where the students will be immersed
Trainees will have to prepare themselves physically, mentally and spiritually for many tasks ahead
Factors to be considered in area selection
Select our Areas
Localpartners must be willing to work and supportcommunity
Considerneeds and resources within the capability of the students and communitypartners
Place that is notsaturated by the other agencies
Stable peace and ordersituation
Entering the community phase
Communitymapping of the target area
Identify the geographiccoverage of the project
Identify the resources that maybe used by the trainees in the community and relationship of people with this resources
Concepts and Planning to Conduct Community Immersion
Ostentatious Entry
Banking on the People'sWeakness
Community Integration phase
Trainees come into directcontact and become involved with the community people
Integration may be done through BorderStyle, ElitistStyle, or PeopleCenteredMethodofLiving with the People
Community Needs Assessment
Reflects to the sentiments, needs, aspirations and recommendations of the people
Process wherein problems, issues and concerns of the community are identified through the useofseveraltoolsforassessment
Information to be included in assessing Community needs