Cards (7)

  • Why is classical conditioning not useful in explaining complex phobias?
    Social situation phobias, such as agoraphobia, cannot be reduced to stimulus-response association due to their complex nature
  • Why is it problematic that classical conditioning cannot explain complex phobias?
    Mowrer’s two-process model can only explain how certain phobias are acquired; cannot be used as a sole explanation and therefore has limited credibility
  • How does the behaviourist explanation have substantiating evidence in explaining how phobias are acquired?
    Watson and Rayner’s (1920) Little Albert study demonstrated the development of fear to white rats and similar objects, association of a loud noise led to fear response
  • Why is Watson and Rayner’s study significant to substantiating the behaviourist explanation?
    Meets one of the core assumptions of phobias being acquired through stimulus-response association; holding practical validity
  • Why is it a limitation that phobias require exposure in order for them to be developed?
    Phobias of snakes, despite never having encountered one, may discredit the stimulus-response association; evolutionary hangover
  • How does the behaviourist explanation have positive practical applications?
    More than 8 million people in Britain suffer from anxiety disorders, costing Britain nearly £10b a year; therapy acts as a short term cost to reintegrate members into society to heal previously damaged economy
  • Discuss behaviourist explanations of phobias (16 marker)
    AO1: Mowrer (1947) and classical conditioning
    AO3 (-): Complex phobias
    AO1: Operant conditioning
    AO3 (+): Watson and Rayner (1920)
    AO3 (-): Exposure
    AO3 (+): P.P.A