Reduction of anxiety was three times greater in a treatment group of 30 computer anxious participants than the non-treated 59 participants
Why is Brosnan and Thorpe’s (2006) research significant?
Positive practical applications of overcoming technophobia, allowing for participation in the technological workforce
Why is systematic desensitisation not a practical method of overcoming phobias?
Occurs in three gradual stages; due to longevity of the treatment, participants are likely to drop out
Why is it significant that systematic desensitisation is not a practical method of overcoming phobias?
Time-consuming therapy is problematic for a cash tract NHS, who have limited funding and so cannot meet extensive demands of this therapy
What did Wolpe (1969) find?
Client hospitalised due to high levels of anxiety induced during flooding
Why is it problematic that flooding may induce trauma?
Method of therapy not applicable to an overall population - unlike systematic desensitisation where the patient is in control
What is a limitation of both flooding and systematic desensitisation?
Behavioural therapies cannot aid in the treatment of more complex phobias, like social phobias (agoraphobia); relating more to an internal cognitive aspect that behavioural therapies do not target
Discuss behavioural treatments for phobias (16 marker)