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Cards (181)

  • what is the minute ventilation per minute
    6 L per minute of air
  • how much of the air reaches the alveoli after some ventilates the dead space
    4.2 L per minute
  • how much oxygen does the air contain
    21% oxygen
  • how much oxygen reaches the alveoli per minute
    4.2 L > 4200 x 21% =
    882ml of oxygen
  • how much out of the 882ml oxygen diffuses to the blood
  • how many liters does a human consume per day
    250 ml x 1440 (minutes in a day) / 1000 (to get liters) =
    360 L
  • haemoglobin contains how much of O2 in the blood
  • structure of haemoglobin
    4 globin subunits (2 alpha & 2 beta)
    - each subunit has heme group
    - heme group has a porphyrin ring w iron molecule in the center
    - iron is site of O2 binding
  • carbonic anhydrase (CA)
    enzyme that catalyzes the reversible hydration/ dehydration of

    CO2 + H2O = HCO3 + H+
  • where is carbonic anhydrase found
    - in red blood cells
    - in kidney
    - parietal cells lining the stomach & other tissues
  • equation of oxygen binding to haemoglobin
    O2 + H+Hb = O2Hb + H+
  • O2 movement in the lungs
    - In lungs O2 diffuses into blood then red cell
    - binds to haemoglobin
    - haemoglobin loses H+ ion
    - H+ ion react with HCO3 in the cell to make CO2 + H2O
    - CO2 diffuses out into alveolar gas & lost as we expire
  • CO2 movement in the tissues
    - in tissues CO2 diffuses into red cell
    - reacts with H2O to form H+ & HCO3
    - H+ binds to Hb
    - Hb loses its O2
    - O2 free to diffuse into the tissues
  • why does PH have a significant effect on oxygen-haemoglobin binding
    both CO2 hydration/ dehydration and the oxygenation/ deoxygenation of Hb are influenced by H+ ions
  • what is the form of CO2 in systemic arterial blood
    89.6% as bicarbonate ions
    5.5% dissolved in blood
    4.9% bound to haemoglobin
  • oxygen equilibrium (or disassociation ) curve
    *quantifies binding of oxygen to haemoglobin

    X-axis: partial pressure of oxygen in mmHg on
    Y-axis: level of oxygen-Hb saturation
  • what shape is the graph for oxygen equilibrium and why
    sigmoidal due to positive cooperativity
  • positive cooperativity
    -binding of 1 O2 molecule to a Hb facilitates binding of a second and so on

    low partial pressure: Hb does not have a high affinity for oxygen > as 1 molecule becomes bound > other heme groups increase their affinity
  • p50 of oxygen
    partial pressure of oxygen at which 50% of haemoglobin is bound with oxygen
  • what affects the OEC curve to shift
    - temperature
    - pH
    - CO2
    - small organic ions
  • meaning of OEC curve shifting left
    - decrease in p50
    - increase in O2-Hb affinity
  • meaning of OEC curve shifting right
    - increase in p50
    - decrease in O2-Hb affinity
  • anaemia
    - lower amount of red cells
    - reduced capacity to carry oxygen
  • polycythaemia
    - overpopulation of red cells
    - greater capacity to carry oxygen
  • sickle cell anaemia
    - point mutation in haemoglobin beta chain > causes Hb to adhere
    - makes blood cell to be 'sickle' shaped
    - abnormal form of Hb makes red blood cells less efficient at O2 transport

    - symptom: fatigue
  • what 5 factors affect oxygen-Hb binding
    - temperature
    - pH
    - partial pressure of CO2
    - 2,3-diphospoglycerate (byproduct of glycolysis)
    - chloride ions
  • modification of O2-Hb binding: temperature
    breathing cooler air than 37C: lung gas is cooler > lower p50 > higher binding affinity

    metabolically active tissues: have elevated temperature (heat is a by-product of metabolism) > higher p50 > lower binding affinity
  • modification of O2-Hb binding: pH
    metabolically active tissues: pH is reduced > increase in p50 > decrease in O2-Hb binding affinity

    lungs: CO2 is excreted > blood pH increases > decrease in p50 > increase in O2-Hb binding affinity
  • carbamino effect
    refers to the CO2 produced by tissues to haemoglobin > causes reduction in affinity & increase in p50
  • modification of O2-Hb binding: 2,3-DPG
    * normal conditions (high blood-oxygen content): enzymes that produce 2,3-DPG are inhibited

    hypoxia: 2,3-DPG is produced > causes a decrease in O2-Hb binding affinity
  • difference in fetal haemoglobin
    - have different globin molecules
    - have higher affinity for oxygen than mother
  • why is exposure to carbon monoxide fatal
    - has a greater affinity for haemoglobin
    - has far lower p50 than O2
    - binds to haemoglobin the same way O2 does & blocks O2 binding
  • Haldane effect
    - deoxygenated blood can carry more CO2 than oxygenated blood

    * reason:
    1) binding of O2 to Hb decreases affinity of Hb for CO2
    2) CO2 is in the form of HCO3 > oxygenation of Hb > decreases bicarbonate ions
  • ventilation-perfusion matching
    - relative ratio of air flow in & out of lungs to flow of blood through the lungs

    V/Q = ventilation perfusion ratio
    V: ventilation
    Q: blood flow

    *in healthy person; ration should be 1
  • ventilation perfusion ratio for obstruction in airways
    - Ventilation decreases
    - Perfusion stays the same
    - ratio decreases
  • physiologic shunt
    - even if blood flows through the alveoli, it remains deoxygenated (from dead tissue from smoking prevent air from reaching alveoli)
  • ventilation perfusion ratio for capillary blockage
    - ventilation remains same
    - perfusion decreases
    - ratio increases
  • physiologic dead space
    alveoli are ventilated but no blood to oxygenate (smoking damaging the alveolar capillaries
  • ventilation perfusion ratio of the lung
    bottom of lungs: greater blood flow > some blood isnt oxygenated > physiologic shunt

    top of lungs: less blood flow > no blood to oxygenate > physiologic dead space

    *total ventilation perfusion ratio is 1:1 (middle of lungs)
  • Partial pressure of gases
    Pressure exerted by a specific gas in a gas mixture