AO3 Cultural Variation

Cards (3)

  • The large sample size of the study is a strength because it increases internal validity by reducing the impact of anomalous results
  • Cross cultural psychology includes the ideas of etic and emic. Etic means cultural universals whilst emic means cultural uniqueness.
    The Strange Situation was designed by an American researcher (Ainsworth) based on a British theory (Bowlby’s). There is a question over whether Anglo-American theories and assessments can be applied to other cultures. Trying to apply a theory or technique designed for one culture to another culture is known as imposed etic.
  • An example of imposed etic may be the idea that a lack of separation anxiety and lack of pleasure on reunion indicate an insecure attachment in the Strange Situation. In Germany this behaviour might be seen more as independence than avoidance and hence not a sign of insecurity within that cultural context