Establishes possible correlation, but does not establish causation
Cohort study
Observe 2+ groups of people over time to note disease frequency difference between groups
Case-control study
Observe people with or without disease and the occurrence of factors associated with disease
Retrospective study
Based on recall; may not be reliable
Observe people before disease appears
Blind study
Subjects don't know which treatment (if any) they are Receiving
Neither subjects nor the experimenter knows which treatment the subject is receiving
What is the celltheory?
All organisms are composed of cells; All cells come from preexistingcells
What is a prokaryote?
No nucleus, no membrane-boundorganelles
What are eukaryotes?
Larger than prokaryoticcell, it contains a nucleus and membrane-boundorganelles
Cellstructures common to prokaryotes + eukaryotes
Plasma membrane: separates cell contents from the environment; made of phospholipid bilayer
Cytoplasm thick jelly-like fluid fills inside of the cell
DNA: a molecule that stores genetic information; stored in the cytoplasm for prokaryotes in the nucleus for eukaryotes
Ribosomes: granular structure found in cytoplasm; they synthesize proteins
What is membraneinvagination?
eukaryotes derived from prokaryotes; plasma membrane folded in on itself which formed organelles
What is endosymbiosis?
Derived from symbiosis (two organisms co-exist with each other); mitochondrion and chloroplast are derived from bacteria-like organisms that were engulfed by the ancestors of eukaryotes
What are the basic structures in prokaryotes?
Cell wall: rigid protective layer
Capsule: facultative, gelatinous layer outside of cell wall
Pili: hair-like structures that attaches to other cells
Flagellum: whip-like projection that propels cell
What are the two structures derives from endosymbiosis?
Mitochondrion and Chloroplast
What are the 5 structures derived from membrane invagination?
Nucleus, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), Golgiapparatus, lysosome, and vacuoles/vesicles