Comparison between two things typically for the purpose of explanation, uses figures of speech like simile and metaphor
Paragraph by analogy
cute as a kitten
swim like a dolphin
Paragraph byclassification
Activity of sorting items, classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics
Paragraph by definition
Explains the meaning of a particular word or term, clears the meaning in simple and understandable language
Types of definition
Formal (Term, Genus, Differentia)
Informal (Operational, Synonyms, Denotation and Connotation)
Formal definition
Twitter is a social media platform that limits messages to 140 characters.
Microwave is a device that heats food using electromagnetic energy.
A solenoid is a coil that converts electric energy to magnetic energy.
Informal definition
Stevia is a sugar substitute will serve as the active ingredient that will be responsible for regulating the blood sugar level on albino rats.
Anti-hyperglycemic is responsible for counteracting the accumulation of excess sugar in the blood i.e., tending to lower elevated blood sugar levels.
Myths narrate sacred histories and explain sacred origins. These traditional narratives are, in short, a set of beliefs that are very real force in the lives of the people who tell them.
Paragraph by process
Series of steps, usually in chronological or logical order, explains how something works or tells how to do something
Types of process paragraph
Process explanation (writer's purpose is to help readers understand the process)
Process instruction (gives readers the information needed to perform a task or activity)