Cards (16)

  • Paragraph by narration
    • Most basic pattern
    • Act of telling a story
  • Elements of paragraph by narration
    • Setting (time and location)
    • Character (antagonist/protagonist)
    • Plot (logical series of events)
    • Exposition (characters and settings are revealed)
    • Rising action (conflict is revealed)
    • Climax (turning point of the story)
    • Falling action (complications begin to resolve)
    • Denouement (final resolution)
  • Point of view in paragraph by narration
    • First person (The writer tells his own story, uses "I")
    • Second person (The author tells the story in second person, uses "you", "your", "yours")
    • Third person (The narrator is part of the story but describes every event, uses "he", "him", "she", "hers")
  • Paragraph by description
    Sensory details and creates vivid images
  • Types of descriptive paragraph
    • Objective (informative, scientific, or technical, uses facts)
    • Subjective (gives pleasure or elicits special feelings, influenced by personal feelings or emotion)
  • Paragraph by comparison and contrast
    • Comparison (how things are similar)
    • Contrast (how things are different)
  • Paragraph by analogy
    Comparison between two things typically for the purpose of explanation, uses figures of speech like simile and metaphor
  • Paragraph by analogy
    • cute as a kitten
    • swim like a dolphin
  • Paragraph by classification
    Activity of sorting items, classifying something according to shared qualities or characteristics
  • Paragraph by definition
    Explains the meaning of a particular word or term, clears the meaning in simple and understandable language
  • Types of definition
    • Formal (Term, Genus, Differentia)
    • Informal (Operational, Synonyms, Denotation and Connotation)
  • Formal definition

    • Twitter is a social media platform that limits messages to 140 characters.
    • Microwave is a device that heats food using electromagnetic energy.
    • A solenoid is a coil that converts electric energy to magnetic energy.
  • Informal definition
    • Stevia is a sugar substitute will serve as the active ingredient that will be responsible for regulating the blood sugar level on albino rats.
    • Anti-hyperglycemic is responsible for counteracting the accumulation of excess sugar in the blood i.e., tending to lower elevated blood sugar levels.
    • Myths narrate sacred histories and explain sacred origins. These traditional narratives are, in short, a set of beliefs that are very real force in the lives of the people who tell them.
  • Paragraph by process
    Series of steps, usually in chronological or logical order, explains how something works or tells how to do something
  • Types of process paragraph
    • Process explanation (writer's purpose is to help readers understand the process)
    • Process instruction (gives readers the information needed to perform a task or activity)
  • Paragraph by cause and effect
    • Cause (what makes a particular thing happen)
    • Effect (the result/outcome)