The difference between the amount received and the amount spent on something purchased, produced, or manufactured
The fundamental reason for examining business activities from a moral point of view is that business organizations should, in principle, help promote the common good and protect the rights and interests of individuals
Typesofbusinessorganizations operated for profit
Service businesses
Merchandising businesses
Manufacturing businesses
Service businesses
Provide services to customers rather than products
Service businesses
computer repair
laundry services
delivery services
wellness (such as gym or spa)
Merchandising businesses
Sell to customers products they buyfromotherbusinesses
Manufacturing businesses
Turn basic inputs into products which are sold to consumers
Sole Proprietorship
A one-personbusiness. The owner has full control over the finances and operations and decides alone.
An entity createdbylaw that is independent and distinct from its owners and relies on the corporatelaws of the state in which it is incorporated to continue its existence. Can raise funds by selling shares of stocks and files taxes separately from its owners.
The management team of a corporation can operate the business without any realoversight from the owners
A boss listening to both sides of the story before judging
An employer giving 13th month pay to all employees
A person paying the right price for a product or service
The explication and justificationprocess. Testing, forming a judgment, and acting if necessary. Holding people responsible for their actions.
A cashier admitting he/she lost the company's collection
An engineer being blamed if a project did not meet deadlines
An employee being blamed for recommending a cousin who stole from the company
Considers intrinsic or ethicalsalience as an important feature of the relational dimension of a person. Necessary to develop unity between and among individuals. An important mechanism for ensuring social responsibility.
Reporting accurately the company's financial situation and risks to investors
Holding and selecting bids according to an open pre-defined process
Having an open process of decision-making such as in hiring additional employees