Econ 105 Ch 7

Cards (23)

  • The difference in Living Standards across Countries
    • Productivity and Standard of Living
    • Diminishing Returns to Capital
    • Public Policy and Economic Growth
  • There are great differences in living standards around the world
  • Growth rates of real GDP also vary substantially, and as a result, the ranking of countries by GDP per person changes dramatically over time
  • Poor countries are not necessarily doomed to poverty forever
  • Rich countries can't take their status for granted. Poorer but faster-growing countries may overtake them
  • Productivity
    The ability to produce output
  • As productivity increases
    Workers can produce more output per unit of their labour, and the standard of living rises
  • Productivity
    The amount of output produced per unit of labour
  • Determinants of Productivity
    • Physical capital per worker
    • Human capital per worker
    • Natural resources per worker
    • Technological knowledge
  • Production Function
    Describes the relationship between the quantity of inputs used in production and the quantity of output produced with a given technology
  • Assuming constant returns to scale, the production function can be expressed as Y/L = A*F(1, K/L, H/L, N/L)
  • Saving and Investment
    An economy can increase the amount of capital by increasing investment backed by higher savings
  • As the capital stock rises
    The extra output produced from an additional unit of capital diminishes
  • In the long run, a higher saving rate leads to a higher level of productivity and income but not to higher economic growth rates
  • Catch-up Effect

    The property whereby countries that start poor tend to grow more rapidly than countries that start rich
  • Because of diminishing returns to capital, the return to capital is very high in poor countries, so poor countries can grow more quickly
  • Forms of Investment from abroad
    • Foreign Direct Investment (capital investment owned and operated by a foreign entity in the form of physical assets)
    • Foreign Portfolio Investment (capital investment financed with foreign money but operated by domestic residents in the form of financial assets)
  • Education
    Government can increase productivity by promoting education, which increases human capital
  • In Canada, each year of schooling has historically raised a person's wage by about 10 percent on average
  • Some countries face a brain drain, where highly educated people leave the country
  • Poor countries are poor in part because the populations are not healthy
    Their populations are not healthy in part because they are poor
  • Protection of property rights and promoting political stability are two other important ways policymakers can improve economic growth
  • A country with unstable political climate will also have difficulty attracting foreign (or even domestic) investment