A newer version of the "Meta Language" or ML programming language developed in the 1970s
A functionalprogramminglanguage
Functions are first-class data objects: they may be passed as arguments, returned as results, and stored in variables
The principal control mechanism in ML is recursive function application
An interactivelanguage: Every phrase read is analyzed, compiled, and executed, and the value of the phrase is reported, together with its type
Strongly typed: Every legal expression has a type which is determinedautomatically by the compiler
Strongtypingguarantees that no program can incur a type error at run time
Has a polymorphictypesystem: Each legal phrase has a uniquely determined most general typing that determines the set of contexts in which that phrase may be legally used
Staticallyscoped: ML resolves identifier references at compile time, leading to more modular and more efficient programs
Supports abstracttypes: Abstract types are a useful mechanism for program modularization. New types together with a set of functions on objects of that type may be defined. The details of the implementation are hidden from the user of the type, achieving a degree of isolation that is crucial to program maintenance
Has a type-safeexceptionmechanism: Exceptions are a useful means of handling unusual or deviant conditions arising at run-time
Has a modulesfacility to support the incremental construction of large programs: An ML program is constructed as an interdependentcollection of structures which are glued together using functors. Separate compilation is supported through the ability to export and import functors
Hello, world in SML
Standard ML of New Jersey, - print("Hello world\n");
Hello world
val it = () : unit
Arithmetic in ML
2+2; (* notesemicolonatend*)
4/3; (* an error! *)
6 div 2; (* integer division *)
Arithmetic in ML
ML is picky about not mixingtypes, such as int and real, in expressions
The value of "it" is always the last value computed
Functionarguments don't always need parentheses, but it doesn't hurt to use them
Types of arguments and results
ML figures out the input and/or output types for simple expressions, constant declarations, and function declarations
If the default isn't what you want, you can specify the input and output types, e.g. fun divBy2 x:int = x div 2 : int;
fun divideBy2 (y : real) = y / 2.0;
Delimited by double quotes
The caret mark ^ is used for string concatenation, e.g. "house"^"cat"
\n is used for newline, as in C and C++
Making Lists
The @ operator is used to concatenate two lists of the same type
The functions hd and tl give the first element of the list, and the rest of the list, respectively
Strings and Lists
The explodefunction converts a string into a list of characters
The implodefunction converts a list of characters into a string
The cons operator :: takes an element and prepends it to a list of that same type.
Strongly typed
A programming language in which every legal expression has a type, and this type is determined automatically by the compiler
Polymorphic type system
A type system that allows a single expression to have multiple types, determining the set of contexts in which that phrase may be legally used
Statically scoped
A language in which identifier references are resolved at compile time, rather than at runtime, leading to more modular and more efficient programs