Responsible for coding for proteins involved in the structure or function of a cell (e.g. enzymes, transport proteins, receptors, or peptide hormones)
Regulatory genes
Produce regulatory proteins, such as repressor or activator proteins, that repress or activate transcription and the expression of structural genes
Eukaryotic genes
Promoter (TATAAA box) - region where RNA polymerase can bind
Introns - non-coding regions removed in RNA processing
Exons - coding sequences that code for the functional protein
Termination sequence - signals the end of transcription
In eukaryotic cells, the mRNA is made in entirety first, then leaves the nucleus and is translated by ribosomes
Prokaryotic genes
Structural genes that share a common purpose are grouped together and under the control of the same promoter and operator
This is called an operon
In prokaryotes, ribosomes begin translating the mRNA straight away while RNA polymerase is still transcribing the DNA sequence
A cluster of genes that are transcribed together to give a single messenger RNA (mRNA) molecule, which therefore encodes multiple proteins
Regulatory genes and repressor proteins
Operons have a regulatory gene that produces a repressor protein that can bind to the operator and stop transcription
trp Operon
A specific operon found in prokaryotes that is responsible for the production of the amino acid tryptophan
The trp operon contains 5 structural genes (trpE, trpD, trpC, trpB and trpA) that encode enzymes that catalyse the production of tryptophan
The rarest of the 20 amino acids, it is non-polar and humans cannot synthesise their own tryptophan
Tryptophan codon (mRNA): ACC
A nucleotide sequence that enables a gene to be transcribed, where RNA polymerase will bind to begin transcription
A segment of DNA to which a repressor protein can bind to control the expression of the structural genes
1. Prevents transcription from occurring based on the level of free floating tryptophan in the cell
2. If low tryptophan, transcription and translation occurs and more tryptophan is made
3. If high tryptophan, transcription does not begin and no translation occurs so no tryptophan is made
Regulatory gene and trp Operon
The regulatory gene produces a repressor protein that can bind to the operator and control transcription of the trp structural genes
High free floating tryptophan in cell cytosol
Repressor protein binds to tryptophan, undergoes a conformational change, and can then bind to the operator to block transcription
Low free floating tryptophan in cell cytosol
Repressor protein does not bind to tryptophan, so it cannot bind to the operator, allowing transcription to occur
A process that prevents transcription from completing, rather than preventing it from happening (like repression)
Attenuation of trp operon
Occurs when there are high levels of tryptophan attached to tRNA molecules but none that are free floating
Involves a leader region of the operon that contains codons for tryptophan and a stop codon
Attenuation - Low tRNA trp levels
1. Ribosome stalls at the tryptophan codons in the leader region, allowing regions 2 and 3 to form an anti-terminator hairpin, allowing transcription to continue
2. RNA polymerase remains attached to the mRNA
Attenuation - High tRNA trp levels
Ribosome rapidly finishes translating the leader region, allowing regions 3 and 4 to form a termination hairpin, causing RNA polymerase and ribosome to be released and transcription of the operon to stop
If there is no tryptophan present, either free in the cytoplasm or bound to tRNA, then transcription and translation of the operon occurs to make tryptophan
The logic of attenuation is the same as regulation by the trp repressor - high levels of tryptophan shut down expression of the operon, as the cell does not need to make more biosynthetic enzymes
The trp operon is expressed (turned "on") when trp levels are low and repressed/attenuated (turned "off") when trp levels are high