Following our parents' precepts and teaching will guide our moral life
Concernedparents will notallow their children to go astray
Leads to heartbreak and regret
Church Teaching
Obligation of grown children to their aged parents
Two meaningful points on taking care of aged parents
Bothparents are to receive equal respect
Our duty is to take care of our parents at their oldage
Human life is respected, protected, and defended
As parents become old and feeble, children must provide for them in a kindway
Fourth commandment
Bridge of the twoparts of the decalogue/tencommandments
Honoring Parents
Basic moral responsibility
Reminds us of the 4thcommandment
Passage from Sirach
Sirach: '"Honor your Father and your mother, that you may have a long life in the land which the Lord, your God, is giving you."'
Honoring our Father and mother is a basicmoralresponsibility
God is our loving father and creator
Ways to honor our parents
Showing proper gratitude
Honoring our parents
Atones for our sins, stores up riches in heaven and receivesblessing from the Lord
Exodus21:17: '"Whoever curses his father or mother shall be put to death."'
Cursingone'sparents is the heightofingratitude and is a crime punishable by death
Proverbs30:17: '"The eye that mocks a father, or scorns an aged mother, will be plucked out by the ravens in the valley: the young eagles will devour it."'