After his parents died, Shah Latif spent the rest of his life on a mound
That's why he was called the saint of bhit
enzymes are specific in nature bc different enzymes have different active site their active site is complementary to the shape of its specific close susbtrate a substance on which enzymes react is known as substrate
theirvalence shellcontainsseven electronandexcept arsenic (metal) all are non metal. flourineandchlorine are gas, bromine isliquidandiodineissolidatroomtemperature
a substancedissolved in water is called aqeoussolution.
the component of solutionwhichis in smaller amount is called solute.
the componentofsolutionwhich is in largeramount is called solution.
sixthperiod is calledlong period and it contains32elements.fourteenelements are calledlanthanides and areplaced at the bottom of a periodictable
ionic compounds are heldtogether by an electrostatic force of attractionbetweencation and anion. thus theycannotmove in their solidstate. when theyaredissolved in moltenform the ions seperate and break and they movefreely and conduct electricity
chemical formula of chilisaltpepper is Nano3 and bleachingpowder is Ca(OH)2
uses of enzymesare in food, medicine, and industry
inmeiosis, the mother cell divides into 4 cellshaving the same number of chromosomes in fertilization, male and female gametes fuse to make zygoteswith the same number of chromosomes as parent cells