media: Media means he way in which information are provided for people
mass media: means the way that information is provided for large number of people
forms of media: newspaper, radio , the internet, television, magazines
newspaper: newspaper and magazines are read for two main purposes
-for entertainment and for information
main purpose of a good newspaper: is ti give its readeraccurate information about what events are happening in the area that the newspaper is sold and in other parts of the world
fact: is something that can be proved to be true so thre is no doubt about it
opinion:is what a person thinks about an event or a person and is neither true nor false
four main functions of a newspaper:
-to inform
-to influnce
-to entertain
-to serve
to inform: by informing the public of what is happening around the world
to influence: by stirring up the reader when reading opinion
to serve: by serving the public and compares public accomplishments
to entertain: entertaining the public by listing tv timetable, providing children's page etc
masthead:the name of the newspaper; at the top of the page
Edition line: the day and date on which the newspaper was printed
lead story:the main story of the day; the one in bold black type
lead story paragraph: the largest photograph at the top of the page; illustating one aspect of the lead story
caption:note underneath the photograph explaining what it shows
second lead: the second and most prominent news story of the day
dateline:gives the source of the story
byline:gives the name of the writer/reporter
dropcap:the first letter of the word in a paragraph enlarged for visual effect
pointer: refers the reader to the next page
index:a lidt of major sections and contents of the newspaper
lug:advertisements appearing on either sides of the masthead
salus ad:the only advertisements appearing on the page
box: story is enclosed in in a box
brightener: a human interst or a humorous story
reverse story: story written in white on a black background
photograph: pictures appearing on a page
sources: newspaper obtain [material to be copy] from a number of sources
contributors: writers outside the newspaper staff who writes material by contract or in the hope that it will be published. Includes letters to editor
staff reporter: look for stories from readers, police, their contracts and own reporting
advertising: materials in which the newspaper is paid to print
press association: receives news from around samoa and the world
editorial: comments by the editor or senior staff
newspaper is referd to as hard copy as opposed to advertising and features which can all be set up in advance. Advertising and features are given space first while other material are fitted around them
advertising manager: heads the advertising department which invites accepts and organises advertisements
administration manager: looks after daily running of the paper
artist: draws cartoons, comic stips, illustarting future articles and displays advertisements
assistant editor: second in charge after the editor