Religion (Lesson 15)

Cards (34)

  • Sexuality is not limited to the sex act
  • Sexuality involves all aspects of life, including prayer, study, reflecting, listening to a friend honestly, playing games, eating, taking tests
  • Chastity
    Purity of heart, refraining from extramarital sexual intercourse, integration of all aspects of sexuality
  • Chastity vocations
    • Abstinence - refraining from any form of sexual activity
    • Married couples - allowing sexual relationships between husband and wife
  • Chastity is required for holiness in marriage, with charity/love at the center
  • Premarital sex is an expression of selfishness, never of true love, and destroys love in the family
  • Masturbation is an abuse of our sexual powers
  • Homosexuality represents a grave impediment to the integral sexual growth of a person, called to charity
  • Pornography is sexual obscenity and licentiousness in a dehumanizing and exploitative manner
  • Sexual harassment and sexual crimes like molestation and rape are unacceptable
  • Chastity for married couples

    Fidelity to their marriage vows, respect, and reverence
  • Adultery and divorce bring disorder and a breaking of marriage vows
  • Sexuality
    • Has been a taboo
    • An inevitable part of our being humans, persons as embodied spirits
    • Something sacred to be respected
  • God created us in His image
  • God gives a man and woman equal person dignity
  • There should be equal rights for both sexes
  • Man and woman
    • Are different but complementary
    • Are called to mutual gift of self
  • Difference between man and woman must not be a basis of discrimination
  • Sexuality
    • Is more than the physical, biological, or reproductive aspect of our beings
    • Involves all aspects of life
  • Chastity
    • Purity of heart
    • Wholesome integration of one's sexuality within one's person
    • Practice of refraining from extramarital sex
    • Allows sexual relationships between husband and wife
  • Abstinence
    • Refraining from any form of sexual activity
    • Does not allow sexual relationships between spouses
    • May be done due to social, medical, legal, psychological, religious or moral issues
  • Holiness is required in committing oneself in marriage
  • Charity & love are the center of holiness
  • Premarital sex is an expression of selfishness and destroys love in the family
  • Masturbation is an abuse of our sexual powers
  • Homosexuality represents another grave impediment
  • Homosexuals are called to chastity
  • Prostitutes are robbed of their dignity
  • Pornography propagates the sexual obscene in a dehumanizing and exploitative manner
  • Sexual harassment and sexual crimes like molestation and rape are examples
  • Chastity is for both single and married
  • Chastity for married
    Consists of fidelity to their marriage vows
  • Self-control is demanded by chastity
  • Divorce brings disorder into the family