How Hitler became the chancellor
1. Big increase of votes for Nazi Party
2. Increase in number of Nazi representatives in Reichstag
3. President Hindenburg remained an obstacle to Hitler's ambitions as he disliked him
4. Hindenburg appointed Franz Von Papen as Chancellor
5. Reichstag elections held with Nazis winning largest percentage of seats (38%) but Hindenburg still refused to make Hitler the new Chancellor
6. Another Reichstag elections held but Nazis still won the largest percentage of seats (33%)
7. Hindenburg appointed Von Schleicher as the new chancellor
8. Schleicher tried to convince Nazis to support him but he failed and was forced to resign
9. Hindenburg was desperate to get the government working again
10. Hindenburg offered Hitler position of Chancellor with Von Papen as the Vice-Chancellor as a counter to Hitler
11. Thought that they could use Hitler's support in the Reichstag to pass laws while still controlling Hitler