Cards (11)

  • Perceived Self
    Composed of a set of self-cognitions regarding one's traits, competencies, and values. It is reinforced through feedback.
  • Ideal Self
    Represents the set of traits, competencies and values an individual would like to possess.
  • Self-Identities
    Those aspects of the individual's self concept that are derived from the social categories to which he or she perceives him/herself as belonging to. Social identities link individuals to reference groups, which establish a set of role expectations and norms that guide the individual's behavior within each of the social identities.
  • Self Esteem
    The evaluative component of the self-concept. It is the function of the distance between the ideal self perceived self.
  • Values
    The beliefs, which we hold to be true - those noble ideals we struggle to attain and implement in our daily lives. Derived from the natural and moral laws and not from an individuals opinions and feelings.
  • Values Education
    Based on a rational understanding of the human person, specifically on understanding of the Filipino as a human being in society and his/her role in the shaping of society and the environment.
  • Theories of Values Formation
    • Psycho-Analytic Theory (Sigmund Freud)
    • Behaviorist View (John B. Watson)
    • Social-cognitive learning theorist Albert Bandura
    • Cognitive Theory
    • Socio-cultural theory (Russian psychologist Lev Vygotsky)
    • Ecological Theory
    • Humanism Theory
    • Evolutionary Theory
  • Ethics
    Comes from the Greek word ethos, meaning character or custom.
  • Morality (descriptive)

    A code of conduct put forward by a society and that it is used as a guide to behavior by the members of that society.
  • Morality (normative)

    A code of conduct that, given specified conditions, would be put forward by All rational persons for governing the behavior of all moral agents.
  • Morality affects our daily choices, and those decisions are guided by our conscience. The purpose of morality is to provide a framework of optimum human survival. The standard of morality, however, is absolute and immutable – long-term optimum human survival.