Cards (17)

  • 1981 - It is the year when the first personal computer was launched by IBM.
  • Allen and Gates - They developed the "Microsoft Basic for the Altair System".
  • Textbox - It is an input field control where you type in values.
  • Label - It is a control used as description for other control.
  • Radio Button - It is a control that allows a user to select an option from the group.
  • Button - It is a control where the user normally clicks to start the program processing.
  • Form - It is the canvas of the Visual Basic application.
  • Properties and Events - These are the two things that the properties window will displays which relate to object.
  • Binary Code - These codes are composed of zeros and ones.
  • Programming - It is called as the sequence of instructions.
  • Assembly Language - The Second-Generation Language of computer programming.
  • Properties Window - It is where you can change or edit the property of control.
  • IDE - Integrated Development Environment.
  • MS Basic - The first computer language program written for a computer system.
  • MsDOS - The running operating system during the time when personal computer launched in 1980s.
  • .NET - A general infrastructure for the use of the Microsoft Windows operating system.
  • BASIC - A simple language for teaching student programming instructions.