Use of 'finally' highlights the WP has longing for solitude. Furthermore, 'alone' reinforces the loneliness of the job.
"half-formed ghost"
Just as a ghost is something you would be haunted by, So too is the WP haunted by the memories of people that have died in warzones and pictures hes taken.
"Spools of suffering set out in ordered rows"
Just as stones in a graveyard are set out healthy and in order, So too are the film spools orderly and organised. This is used to emphasis the amount of suffering involved in war.
"Belfast. Beirut. Phnom Penh."
Emphasises the amount and variety of different places that suffered due to war. It highlights how war can affect anybody.
"hands, which did not tremble then though seem to now"
Word Choice
Photographers hands steady and composed when taking photos. Contrast to when he gets home and his hands tremble with anxiety as a result of being affected by what he has seen.
"Ordinary pain"
Word choice
'ordinary' emphasises how the pain WP experience at home is nothing to that of the pain experience during the war.
"nightmare heat"
Word Choice
'nightmare' highlights how frightening and terrifying the experience of war is.Furthermore, 'heat' emphasises the death and destructionassociate with bombs that are dropped during the war.
"Prick with tears"
Word Choice
Suggests short duration of readers distress. They dont really care about whats happening abroad.
"He has a job to do"
Short sentence
Reflects blunt, matter of fact approach the WP has to his work.
"they dont care"
Word Choice
the use of 'they' criticises the newspaper readers for their selfishness towards the suffering contained in WPs pictures. He also feels separate from his own country in that he -for the most part- cares about people in the photo.
"dark room"
Word Choice
'dark' highlights the mentally bleak place the WP must return to when developing his photos.
"Sunday Supplement"
Word Choice
Photographers pictures arnt important enough to be part of the main news section. Emphasisng in difference of public to the suffering abroad.