
Cards (40)

  • Strike a balance
    To balance
  • Harmonious coexistence
    Sự chung sống hài hòa
  • Social stigma
    Sự kỳ thị xã hội
  • Cultural nuance
    Sắc thái văn hóa
  • In lieu of
    Instead of
  • Comprehensive educational framework
    Well-rounded education
  • one - person household
    Household with only one person
  • country = community = society = nation
    Equivalent terms
  • developed = rich = wealthy = advanced=prosperity=prevailing=thriving
    Equivalent terms
  • worsen=exacerbate

    Increase in severity
  • lessen=minimize=alleviate=mitigate
    Reduce in severity
  • tackle=address
    Deal with
  • easy=effortless
    Requiring little effort
  • Well-rounded education=comprehensive educational framework
    Providing a broad range of knowledge and skills
  • to balance
  • harmonious coexistence: sự chung sống hài hòa

    Peaceful living together
  • Social stigma : sự kỳ thị xã hội

    Negative perception by society
  • convict=offender=criminal

    Person who has committed a crime
  • prison=jail
    Place of confinement for criminals
  • Better - informed decision
    Decision made with more complete information
  • elicit the hidden talents (EDUCATION)

    Bring out and develop latent abilities
  • Take ownership of learning
    Actively engage in and be responsible for one's own learning
  • discipline(C2) =subject=curriculum

    Area of study
  • to lighten the burden
    Reduce the difficulty or hardship
  • Advance in their career: promotion
    Progress to a higher position
  • local=provincal=native=regional

    Relating to a particular area
  • interest=curiosity=enthusiam=desire=passion=engagement

    Strong attraction or enthusiasm
  • foster/cultivate/stimulate/reinforce

    Encourage the development of
  • undermine/undergo
    Experience a change, often negative
  • indeed=in fact
    Used to emphasize a statement as true
  • utilize time wisely

    Use time effectively and efficiently
  • Surveillance: sự giám sát

    Close observation or monitoring
  • (educational) Aspiration=aim= goal=hope (C2)
    Something desired to be achieved
  • two key drivers of this trend

    Main factors causing a development
  • trend/development/phenomenon/tendency/initiative/idea

    Descriptions of a new or emerging situation
  • common=prevalent
    Widespread or frequent
  • Subsidize = allocate budget for st
    Provide financial assistance for
  • Budget constraint = financial strain

    Limitation due to insufficient funds
  • amenities = infrastructure = equipment=facilities

    Necessary resources and services
  • affiliation=relationship=connection=interaction=bond
    A close association