Drake was knighted on the deck of the Golden Hind (by the French Ambassador - a major step up for somebody of his birth, and clearly meritocratic)
Discovery of the 'Drake passage' - named after him
Drake's personal motto: 'Sic parva magna' (Great things from small beginnings). He had this included in drawings made of him after his famous success (broadcasting his achievement)
He, and others at the time, made a big deal out of him being the first (Englishman) to: 'see the Pacific Ocean', 'sail the Straits of Magellan', 'complete circumnavigation'
Drake was granted an extra £10'000 of the treasure for himself, and £40'000 to share with his crew. This was enough to buy a house in London and become a frequent member of Court
Drake was allowed to buy Buckland Abbey in Devon (crown grant property)