Agitation - severe anxiety associated with motor restlessness
Agnosia - inability to recognize and interpret sensory stimuli
Akathisia - subjective feeling of muscular tension, restlessness and pacing repeated sitting and standing
Ambivalence - presence of two opposing feelings at the same time
Aphasia - inability or difficulty to speak or recall words
Apraxia - inability to carry out specific task or activity
Delirium - acute change or disturbance in a person's: LOC, cognition, emotion, perception
Depression - feeling of sadness
Derealization - feeling of strangeness towards the environment
Dysthymia - persistent state of sadness
Elation (euphoria)- a feeling of high degree of confidence, boastfulness and joy with increase motor activity
Narcolepsy - sleep disorder characterized by frequent irresistible urge to sleep with episodes of cataplexy (sudden loss of muscle power)