Parasocial relationships

Cards (54)

  • Parasocial relationships are one-sided relationships where one person expends considerable emotional energy and interest and feels very close to the other person. The relationship is not reciprocal as the other person (usually a celebrity) is unaware of the existence of the relationship. Television and the Internet can give the viewer the illusion of having a face-to-face relationship with a celebrity.
  • Attachment Theory
    Explanation of Parasocial Relationships
  • Bowlby's attachment theory
    • Early difficulties in attachment may lead to difficulties forming successful relationships later in life
    • Preference for parasocial relationships to replace real romantic relationships as parasocial relationships do not have the same ability to cause further emotional distress
  • Attachment theory of parasocial relationships
    Particular attachment styles form parasocial relationships in adolescence and adulthood because of attachment difficulties in early childhood
  • Insecure-resistant attachment style

    • More likely to engage with parasocial relationships because they need to have unfulfilled needs met and are too afraid of the disappointment that are a part of real-life relationships
  • Ainsworth's Strange Situation
    1. Insecure resistant attachment children showed extreme separation anxiety, clingy behaviour and little willingness to explore
    2. In a parasocial relationship these attachment behaviours will be shown by the individual
    3. Dismissal of a celebrity figure from a television series can create separation anxiety such as sadness and anger
  • Insecure resistant children
    • Tended to fall in love easily, demonstrated jealousy and worried that their partners might abandon them
    • Parasocial relationships allow these individuals to experience intense celebrity worship and engage in a fantasy about the perfect relationship, without the heartbreak and fear of rejection
  • Attachment theory of parasocial relationships

    Theory that there is a link between childhood attachments and parasocial relationships
  • Research support for attachment theory
    • Conducted by Roberts (2007)
    • Found link between childhood attachments and parasocial relationships
  • Roberts' study
    1. Asked 200 undergraduate students to complete attachment styles questionnaire
    2. Asked students to complete self-report scale measuring frequency of attempts to contact a favourite celebrity
  • Preoccupied attached individuals (insecure resistant type)
    Positively correlated with frequently contacting celebrities
  • Individuals who made the greatest number of attempts to contact a celebrity were the most likely to have higher scores on preoccupied attachment type (insecure resistant)
  • These findings are consistent with predictions drawn from the attachment theory explaining why parasocial relationships occur
  • An issue with the attachment theory in explaining parasocial relationships is that there is strong contradictory evidence
  • McCutcheon et al. (2006)

    Measured attachment types and celebrity related attitudes (CAS) in 229 participants
  • Attachment security did not affect the likelihood of forming a parasocial relationship with a celebrity
  • Participants with insecure attachments were no more likely to form parasocial relationships with celebrities that participants with secure attachments
  • These findings refute the central prediction of the attachment theory
  • Using attachment theory to explain parasocial relationships has little predictive strength
  • This is a limitation of using attachment theory to explain parasocial relationships
  • Attachment theory
    • Can explain why people all over the world have a desire to form parasocial relationships
  • Contrasting cultures
    • Kuwait (collectivist)
    • USA (individualistic)
  • People with an insecure attachment type

    Were the most likely to form intense parasocial relationships with TV personalities and characters (e.g. Rachel from Friends)
  • This was true in both types of culture (collectivist and individualistic)
  • The reason for forming a parasocial relationship is independent of cultural influences
  • Attachment type may be a universal explanation for the need to form parasocial relationships
  • Absorption Addiction Model
    Suggests that people pursue parasocial relationships to compensate for deficiencies within their real life
  • Reasons for pursuing parasocial relationships
    • Difficulty in forming intimate relationships
    • Poor psychological functioning
    • Lack of identity
  • Absorption
    1. Individuals focus their attention on the celebrity
    2. Finding out everything they can about them
    3. Becoming preoccupied with them
    4. Begin to identify with them
  • Sense of fulfillment
    Motivates them to become intensely attached to the celebrity
  • Addiction
    1. Sense of fulfillment becomes all consuming
    2. Seeks ever greater involvement with the celebrity
    3. Needs to sustain commitment to the relationship
    4. Feeling a stronger and closer involvement with the celebrity
  • Extreme behaviours
    • Stalking
    • Delusional thinking (e.g. that the celebrity loves them)
  • Parasocial relationships
    Relationships that a person may experience with a celebrity
  • Levels of parasocial relationships
    • Entertainment-Social
    • Intense-Personal
    • Borderline Pathological
  • Entertainment-Social
    • The least intense level
    • Person keeps up with celebrity and finds out information for entertainment and social interaction
    • Most people engage in parasocial relationships at this level
  • Intense-Personal
    • The intermediate level
    • Person has private obsessions and feelings of personal connection for the celebrity
    • They have an intense interest in the celebrity's personal life
  • Intense-Personal
    • Referring to a celebrity as a 'soul-mate'
    • Being obsessed with every little detail of a favourite celebrity's lifestyle
  • Borderline Pathological
    • The strongest level
    • Person has over-identified with the celebrity and their fantasies and behaviour may have become uncontrollable and extreme
    • They may engage in illegal activities such as stalking and spend large sums of money to obtain memorabilia
    • They may believe their feelings would be reciprocated if they met the celebrity
  • Absorption stage of the Absorption Addiction Model

    Person is engaging in the Intense-Personal level of parasocial relationships
  • Addiction stage of the Absorption Addiction Model
    Person is engaging in the Borderline Pathological level of parasocial relationships