An audience-driven process of managing stakeholders, content, channels, and results of brandcommunication programs
Purposes of IMC
Build customerrelationships
Manage brandequity
Communicate socialresponsibilityinitiatives
Audience Preferences
Different audiences have different preferences when it comes to media consumption
Older demographic
Prefer traditional media (newspaper, radio, etc.)
Younger demographic
Prefer digital media (social media, digital advertisements)
Media Consumption Trends
Evolve, influenced by technology, cultural shifts, and demographic changes
Effectiveness of Media Mix
A combination of both media mixes may become more effective in achieving specific brand objectives
Promotional Mix
Sales promotion
Public relations (PR)
Direct Promotion
Online Marketing
Mobile Marketing
Professional Selling
Budget Availability
Determines what elements of the promotionalmix are used
Stage in the Product Life Cycle
Affects the type and promotion used
Type of Product and Type of Purchase Decision
High-end products require professionalselling, advertising often relies on selling convenience goods and products routinely (low involvement)
Target Market Characteristics and Consumers'Readiness to Purchase
Companies need to know the types of media different targets use, how often they make purchases, where they make purchases, what their readiness to purchase is, and their characteristics (Age, Gender, Lifestyle)
Consumers' Preference on Various Media
TargetAudience is essential for the selection of the promotion marketing mix, linked to the type of product and service
Regulations, Competitors, and Environmental Factors
Regulations can affect the type of promotion used, companies must think carefully about following the lead of their competitors or to stand out by using different media, environmental factors can have an impact on promotional marketing activities
Availability of Media
Companies must plan their promotional activities based on the availability of media
Communication Process
1. Sender selects and translates (encodes) the message appropriately for the message channel
2. Receiver (consumer) then interprets the message (decodes)
3. For it to be effective, the customer must interpret the message as the sender intended
4. Distractions between the sender and the receiver can interfere
5. Advertisers repeat messages from different places to increase retention
The method by which advertising or directpromotion is delivered to a targetaudience
The specific means within a medium to reach a selected market
Paid promotion by companies, industryassociations, and non-profitorganizations that reaches many people at once
Direct Promotion
Allows companies to target specific set of customers, measure the ROI, and testdifferentstrategies before implementing to all target audiences
Benefits of Direct Promotion
Direct Response Advertising
Unique Selling Proposition (USP)
Specific benefits consumers should remember
Types of Promotion Objectives
Primary demand
Selective Demand
AIDAModel (Attention, Interest, Desire, and Action)
Open-ended message
Allowsconsumers to draw his or her own conclusions
Close-ended message
Allows consumers to draw a logical conclusion
Understanding Different Promotion Budgets
Percentageof last year'ssales/Projected Sales
Affordable method
Objective and Task Method
Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)
Types of ConsumerSalesPromotions
Types of TradePromotions
Shelf talkers
Trade Shows
Trade Allowances
Lagged Effect
Advertising always has an immediateimpact, multiple exposures are often necessary, challenging to determine which exposure led to the purchase
Channel Partners
Companies that other companies work with to promote or sell a product, product travels through a marketingchannel to reach their finaluser, all channel partners are responsible for the product's success in the marketplace