
Cards (14)

  • A shaven head full of powerfull incantations
  • Green blue translucent sea
  • In a figure of eight
  • What does incantations imply
    It implies the father is under a spell being brainwashed by patriotism and nationalism
  • What does Powerfull imply in the quote a shaven head full of powerfull incantations
    It creates a false glorified romanticised nature of war-Powerfull and overwhelming it is
  • The sacrificial suicide will lead to war honour being forgotten one day
  • What does translucent imply
    It implies the idyllic peaceful place
  • What does blue represent
    Conotes freedom like the free flowing sea and the want to be free from societal expectations
  • What does green represent
    Growth and a reminder of the beuty of nature
  • He doesn't want to deny him self of freedom no longer
  • Inner turmoil
    He has doubt nerves but nature is eternal compared to the transcendence of humanity
  • What does a figure of 8 also mean
  • What does infinity of 8 mean
    Nature is infinite compared to transciece of humanity and power
  • 8 can also mean his wavering thoughts