The act by which God brought the universe into being
Michaelangelo Buonarotti (1475-1564) was a famous Italian painter and sculptor
The first book of the Bible in which the stories of the creation are found
Creation of Adam
Part of the painting on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican in Rome, which shows God giving life to Adam
The idea that God is beyond and outside life on earth and the universe; a quality of God
All-powerful; an attribute of God.
The Hebrew word for humanity, which many people see as the name of the first man
Free will
Being able to make our own choices; a gift from God which comes with being responsible/accountable for our actions.
Working to develop ways of living that help protect natural resources and ecological balance, often with long-term goals in mind.
Being worthy of respect and honour; belief that all human beings deserve to be treated with dignity because they are part of God’s creation in his image.
Sanctity of Life
The belief that all human life is precious and holy/sacred as it is created by God.
The sacred book of Christianity, containing the Old and NewTestament
(1) The holy people of God, also called the Body of Christ, among whom christ is present and active (2) a building in which Christians worship
‘one who is sent out’ ; The name given to those disciples who became leaders of the Early Church
Holy Spirit
The Third Person of the Trinity whom Christians believe is the inspiring presence of God in the Word
The guidance that God gives to people
Teaching authority of the Catholic church; includes conciliar magisterium where bishops of the church form a council to make decisions about teachings, and pontifical magisterium which is papal infallible teaching.
A story that intends to convey a deep truth or message, but not in a literal way
Sacred Scripture
The holy writings of a religion that are believed to be inspired by God
Someone that believes that the Bible is a factual record that describes events exactly as they happened; fundamentalists believe that the Bible is divinely inspired and without error
Natural law
Belief in a natural order to the world, and a natural moral law, given by God. Moral principles/values that are considered inherent to all humans
Second Vatican Council
Council of leaders of the CatholicChurch in 1962-65 which agreed changes to Church practice and doctrine (conciliar magisterium).
The natural world; the surroundings in which someone lives
Natural Resources
Materials found in nature that can be used by others to make more complex products
People who tell others how they should live but do not live by these standards themselves
Relying or depending on each other, as a change to one thing affects other things as well
Only using natural resources at a rate at which they can be replaced
Name the four main sections of the Old testament
Name the four main sections of the New Testament
The Gospels
The Acts of the Apostles
The Epistles
The Book of Revelation
What does the ‘Law’ part of the Old Testament consist of
The first five books telling how the Jews became the people of God. Also contain the ‘laws’ or guidelines that God wanted the Jews to follow (including the 10 commandments)
What does the ‘History’ part of the Old Testament consist of
These show how God guided the Jews and how they often refused to listen. These stories were added to help later generations not make the same mistakes
What does the ‘Wisdom’ part of the Old Testament consist of
A mixture of prayers, psalms, poems and books of advice. These help people understand their faith and live in a. way that pleases God
What does the ‘Prophecy’ part of the Old Testament consist of
The books of the Prophets whose inspiring words challenged the people to remain faithful to God and taught them that God is active in the world
What does the ‘The Gospels’ part of the New Testament consist of
Covers the teachings and actions of Jesus
What does the ‘The Acts of the Apostles’ part of the New Testament consist of
Tells of some of the events in the early church (up to about 60 CE)
What does the ‘The Epistles’ part of the New Testament consist of
Letters that were written by the apostles and discuss how to follow Jesus’ teachings in everyday life
What does the ‘The Book of Revelation’ part of the New Testament consist of
Written by the Apostle John. It includes his own mystical visions, which some Christians believe describes the end of the world
‘Let there be light‘Gen1:3
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness… So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them.” – Genesis 1:26 & 27