
Cards (5)

  • Key concepts of the social area
    Influence of others- perceived or actual on behaviour, feelings and thought processes.
    How the environment can influence behaviour
    Social context has greatest influence on peoples behaviour
  • Studies that link to the theme of responses to people in authority
    Milgram- Looked at how far people would go in obedience to authority, even if actions went against moral code
    Bocchiaro- Looking at whether people will disobey unjust authority
  • Studies that look into the theme of responses to people in need
    Piliavin- whether a live event will change peoples helping behaviours
    Levine- look at differences in helping behaviours in different cities
  • Strengths of the social area
    improves understanding of human behaviour
    useful and practical applications- explains real world events
    High in ecological validity- many field experiments
  • Weaknesses of the social area
    Findings may not have temporal validity
    Findings not always generalisable to everywhere
    difficult to stay within ethical guidelines
    Social and cognitive areas can be confused