Total number of participants (or scores), XY pairs
Limitations of PPMC
Influence of datarange, if range is low (variability), hard to detect relationship
Two groups with norelationship - together produce strong correlation. No cause and effect, coincidentaloccurrence of scores
Extreme data points can exert large effect. Outliers will reduce the strength of a correlation
Relationship could be present but not evident from PPMC since notlinearrelationship. PPMC assumes a linearrelationship between 2 variables
Coefficient of determination
Measures the proportion of variability in one variable that can be determined from the relationship with the other variable
Based on magnitude of rXY
rXY^2 is the coefficient of determination
The raw scores will deviate vertically (i.e., on the scatterplot) from the regression line
How much can the X-variable explain the degree of variation away from the regression line?
Linear regression
ŷ = a + bX
ŷ = predictedY value
X = measuredX value
a = Yintercept (X = 0)
b = slope of the regression line
Short term forecast model for projected SARS CoV2 infections (Canada)
Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT)
Establishes "cause and effect", gold standard in research designs, study volunteers randomly assigned to drug vs placebo groups, volunteers followed up for months, outcome variable is efficacy
Correlationalstudies can examine historical data to address the question of whether covid19 vaccination works
Hypothesis testing
Null hypothesis: r = 0 (no relationship)
Alternative hypothesis: r != 0 (relationship exists)
There is a statistically significant positive relationship between a country's vaccination rate and the 28-day new SARS CoV-2 infection rate. A greater infection rate is related to higher vaccination rates.
Correlational Research
Examines how two (or more) variables relate to each other, looking for patterns and associations
Correlational Research
Does NOT prove one thing causes another
Correlational Research Questions
Is there a relationship between hours studied and academic performance?
Does increased physical activity relate to lower levels of depression symptoms?
Correlation Coefficient (r)
The statistic that tells us both the direction and strength of the relationship
Correlation Coefficient (r)
Range: -1.0 to 1.0
Positive: Both variables increase or decrease together
Negative: One variable increases while the other decreases
Closer to 1 or -1 = stronger relationship
Closer to 0 = weaker relationship
Scatter Plots
Visualize correlations, each dot is one person's data
Scatter Plots
Strong positive: Dots form a clear upward line
Strong negative: Dots form a clear downward line
Weak correlation: Dots are scattered with less clear pattern
Zero correlation: Just random scatter
Correlation ≠ Causation
Third variables: An unseen factor could be influencing both variables
Direction of causation: We don't know which variable came first
Importance of Correlational Research
Identifying patterns of how things relate
Starting point for further research to investigate causation
Helping to make predictions, though not with complete certainty
Finding no correlation matters, as it challenges assumptions and tells us there's more to be understood
Beyond simple linear models
Relationships in research
Not all are simple, straight lines
Assuming linearity can lead to misinterpretation and missed insights
Age and Muscle Strength
Scatterplot shows strength increasing in childhood, peaking in adulthood, then declining
This is clearly NOT a linear relationship
Linear Correlation (Pearson's r)
If we force a linear model, we'd likely get a weak correlation, even though there's an obvious pattern
Nonlinear Regression
The right tool here! It can model the curve, revealing the true nature of the relationship