Maintained out of government funds and serving the nation as a whole
Usually books are for reference only
Receive books through legal legislation
Function is to preserve and collect for fostering the published record of the country's cultural heritage, usually in printed form but increasingly in multimedia formats as well
Responsible for acquiring and conserving copies of all significant publications published in the country
Function as a "deposit" library either by law or under other arrangement
Produce a current & retrospective national bibliography
Maintain a collection of foreign sources including books about the country
Act as a national bibliographic information centre
Compile union catalogues
The chief uses of the national library are other libraries which approach the national library are unable to meet the needs of their users
National library
Assists in developing collections
Provides bibliographic checks
Provides resource classification
Provides information and international mediation
In most countries, the national library is accessible only to people living in or near the capital city and those who can afford to travel to it
National library
Serves the majority of the population indirectly through libraries and other institutions serving them
Potential users of the national library
Primary and secondary school children
General public
Advanced post graduate and researchers
Main or essential functions of national libraries
Collect and conserve the national literature, aiming at complete coverage
Produce current national bibliography
Operate as a lending service
Act as a regional bibliographic information service
Publish and/or support the production of specialised bibliographies
Desirable functions of national libraries
Act as a centre for research and development in library and information work
Provide education and training in library and information work
Act as a planning centre for the nation's libraries
Possible functions of national libraries
Act as a centre for the exchange of material between libraries
Provide specialised library service to the country's governing body
Act as a book museum
Collection development and management
Linked to the function of collecting and conserving the nation's publication and foreign literature, as well as serving as a repository and exchange for publications
Collecting the nation's publications
Achieved through legal deposit legislation requiring publishers to deposit free copies with national libraries
Collection should include printed documents, sound and video recordings, official documents, report literature, printed music, and ephemera
Importance of conservation of the collection for future use
Universal availability of publications (UAP)
Project undertaken by IFLA to ensure that all publications are universally available, with the national library undertaking to collect and preserve every item published in that country
Collecting foreign publications
Major research libraries in a country acquire extensive collections of information sources to serve the basic needs of their users, but the primary users are only a small proportion of the population with access to these libraries
Legal deposit
A system that requires publishers to provide copies of their publications to a national library or other designated library
The major research libraries (special and academic libraries) of a country acquire extensive collections of information sources in order to serve the basic needs of their users
The primary users of these collections are only the small proportion of the population who has access to these libraries
Ensuring access to these collections
1. The country's national library should develop a central loan/photocopy collection of publications based on known and likely demands
2. If a national library cannot build such a collection itself, it should at least supply the necessary infrastructure to permit access to these records in other libraries, for instance through interlending
As all local libraries run short of space sooner or later, a great deal of material has to be weeded out of one library which may be needed by another library, whether in the country itself or in foreign countries
Exchange and distribution of duplicates and other surplus material
1. Among the most important activities of the national library
2. Linked to preservation and interlibrary loan
Care needs to be taken that at least one copy of every publication within the country is retained and preserved in order to ensure future availability
Retention of withdrawn material
Has little purpose if it is not closely linked to the interlending system
Publishing the national bibliography
The national library should make its complete collection of its own country's publications accessible by compiling and publishing an extensive current and retrospective national bibliography, thus exercising bibliographic control
Bibliographic databases
Used to provide access to information
Records in bibliographic databases are used as entries
Document delivery and access
A major responsibility of a national library is to make the material in the library available to users
Union catalogue
A list containing the joint holdings of two or more collections, indicating the holdings of the participating institutions
A national union catalogue lists documents that form part of the library stock