Unit: 4 Middle Childhood

Cards (69)

  • Sleep needs deline from 10 to 13 hours a day for 3 - 5 yr olds and 9 to 11 hours for ages 9- 13
  • Acute medical conditions are occasional, short term conditions
  • Chronic medical conditions are physical, developmental, behavioral or emotional conditions that persist for 3months or more
  • 2 chronic conditions involved in middle childhood are asthma and diabetes
  • Chronic respiratory disease,by sudden attacks of coughing, wheezing gand difficulty of breathing is asthma
  • High levels of glucose in the blood and result of defective insulin production is diabetes
  • stage of Piaget in middle childhood enters concrete operations
  • In concrete operational they children can use mental operations, can use logic but not abstract thinking
  • The advances in cognitive abilities in middle childhood are spatial relationships, seriation, transitive inferences and class inclusion clue: SR, S, TI, CI
  • It is  Causality if the children know why certain things happen
  • Categorization occur when children organize objects into categories
  • Seriation is the ability to order items along dimensions
  • Transitive inferences are the understanding of the relationship between 2 objects by knowing its relationship into the third object
  • Class inclusion is the understanding of the relationship between a whole and its part
  • Selective attention when children can focus on the info they need and want
  • Mnemonics is the strategy to aid memory
  • Different strategy to aid memory is 1. External memory aids 2. Rehearsal 3. Organization 4. Elaboration
  • It is the understanding of the process of memory is calle metamemory
  • Mnemonic using something  outside the person is called external memory aid
  • Mnemonic that u ses conscious repetition is called rehearsal
  • Mnemonics that  Places info into categories is organization
  • Mnemonic that associates items with something else such as imagine story or scene is called Elaboration
  • These are the 5  psychometric approach in middle childhood
    Clue:W, SB, OL, KAB, DT
  • In this psychometric approach children are asked to classify items, display general information, follow directions etc is calle Otis Lennon School Ability Test also called as OLSAT8
  • Kaufman Assessment battery for children is used to evaluate cognitive abilities in children with diverse needs
  • It is a type of test that is based on vygotsky's theories that focuses on childs zone of proximal development is dynamic test
  • Tell me Gardner's multiple intelligences (8)
    clue: L, LM, S,M , Bk, I,I,N
  • Sternberg proposes Triarchic theory of intelligence
  • Analytic aspect of intelligence is called componential element
  • Triarchic theory of inttelligence by sterberg is componential, experiential, and contextual
  • intelligence that is practical helps people deal with environment is called Contextual
  • This element is insightful or creative determines how people approach familiar task is called experiential element
  • Sternberg's term for info that is not formally taught but is necessary for development is called Tacit knowledge
  • Give me the second language learning in middle childhood there are 4
  • Approach to teaching english as second language presented in only english is called English immersion approach
  • A person is a Bilingual if he/ she is fluent in two languages
  • System of teaching where it teaches native language first then later switching to englsih is called Bilingual education
  • Two way learning is when english speakers and non english speakers learn together in their own & each others languages
  • Emphasizes decoding of unfamiliar words is ohoneyic approach
  • Retrieving the sound of a printed word when seeing the word as a whole is visually based retrieval